Chapter 49

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Xu Jinchao was about to fall asleep. His book "Oliver Twist" was placed in the bedside cabinet. She shrunk into the thin duvet and reached out to turn off the bedside lamp.

Her fingers stopped on the switch button, and she watched as Song Jiao hugged the bedroom door and shut the door with a “click,” holding the big pillow and quilt in her arms.

When Song Jiao took them away in the morning, Xu Jinchao thought she had given up sharing a bed with herself.

Maybe yesterday was just a whim… Like a little girl used to living alone, she suddenly wanted to try having sex with a friend, but she found out that it wasn't as interesting as she thought. thought.

Of course, this can also be determined, the so-called mice and cockroaches are also excuses.

Xu Jinchao opened his eyes wide and saw that Omega looked like a bird with a nesting branch in its mouth. He flew lightly to the bedside with his own pillow and comforter, and repeatedly insisted, "Stand aside, I have to wipe my hair again."

She had just taken a shower, her long hair was not completely dry, it was wet behind her shoulders, separated by a large towel and pajamas, and her face was flushed from the hot water.

Just looking at the door and not knocking, listening to this tone, it seems that Xu Jinchao has hogged the bed belonging to two people.

Xu Jinchao was just amazing: "Why are you still here?"

Although she complained like that, she couldn't help Song Jiao, so she even moved the quilt to one side, pulled the pillow to that side, and made room for the other part.

Song Jiao occupied half of the headboard of the bed with her own pillow, spread the quilt, and quickly climbed onto the bed and sat cross-legged.

She picked up the towel and wiped her hair on it. The long hair that normally fluffs when dry was now wet and became more manageable, and was rubbed by Song Jiao with the towel.

Omega's hair is really long and long. Seeing her hurriedly rubbing, like a well-fed kitten slowly licking her hair, Xu Jinchao is anxious for her.

Xu Jinchao helplessly sighed, reached out and turned on the brighter bedside lamp, then sat up, lifted the quilt, and got out of bed.

She could almost feel Song Jiao's gaze on her back, as she wasn't hiding it at all, it was still very hot, and it swept around like a burning spotlight.

Xu Jinchao slandered the clingy person that Song Jiao watched all the time and completely forgot how miserable she looked when she was about to leave Juzhou for Huacheng.

This second bedroom has a large closet, the owner made a sliding door, in addition to the wardrobe, there are also storage boards and drawers.

Xu Jinchao had just moved here, so he didn't have many clothes, except for a few clothes he brought from Juzhou, which were the cold jackets he bought at the local mall.

The closet was empty, she opened the drawer, took out a dry towel, and closed the sliding door.

Not closing the sliding door always seems dangerous, like there is a creepy little monster crouching inside, the light will go out as soon as the light is turned off, and the door can only be sealed when the door is closed .

It's naturally the idea of annoying humans to scare themselves.

Xu Jinchao took the small hair dryer from the table and put it at the head of the bed. Anyway, there is a night owl next to it, and now he is in a good mood and does not don't be afraid of noise.

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