Chapter twenty nine

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After the awkward lunch with Marco's dad, the atmosphere was tense. Nkem felt rejected and dejected, even though Marco was reassuring her that his dad would eventually come around. She didn't want to be the cause of any family strife or disappointment for Marco.

For the next few days, they barely spoke about what happened, as both of them were preoccupied with work. However, Marco's mum noticed something was off with Nkem and decided to have a talk with her.

One evening, while Marco was at a business meeting, his mum called Nkem and invited her over for a chat. Nkem was surprised but happy for the opportunity to speak to someone about how she was feeling.

When she arrived at Marco's parent's house, she was greeted with warmth and hospitality. Marco's mum had prepared some snacks and drinks and they sat down to talk.

"I wanted to talk to you, Nkem, because I noticed that you have been upset lately. I know that my husband can be a bit difficult sometimes, but I want you to know that he is not a bad person. He just needs to get to know you better."

Nkem appreciated the gesture from Marco's mum, and she poured out her heart to her. She explained how hurt she felt after the lunch with Marco's dad and how she didn't want to cause any problems for their family.

Marco's mum listened patiently, and when Nkem was done, she spoke, "I understand how you feel, Nkem. But you have to understand that my husband is a traditional man. He grew up in a time and place where interracial relationships were frowned upon. It will take time for him to come around, but I believe that he will eventually see that you are a wonderful person who makes Marco happy."

Nkem felt a bit relieved after speaking to Marco's mum. She had always been fond of her and appreciated her kindness towards her. She left feeling a bit more hopeful about the situation.

A few days later, Marco called Nkem and asked her to come over to his parents' house for dinner. She was nervous but excited to finally meet the rest of his family. When she arrived, she was welcomed with open arms by Marco's mum and his siblings.

During dinner, Marco's dad was quiet, and Nkem was afraid that she had made a mistake by coming. However, Marco's mum tried to make things easier by asking Nkem about her job and her family. She also talked about her experiences with Marco's dad and how they had navigated through difficult times in their marriage.

As dinner progressed, Mr. Rossi warmed up to Nkem, and they had some interesting conversations. Nkem talked about her upbringing in Nigeria, her dreams, and her passion for public relations. She could see that Mr. Rossi was impressed with her intelligence and eloquence. Marco's mother, Mrs. Rossi, was also thrilled to learn more about Nkem's background and culture.

Nkem was relieved that the tension had dissipated, and that she was finally getting along with Marco's dad. She looked over at Marco, who was smiling at her reassuringly, and she smiled back. They both knew that this was an important step in their relationship, and they were grateful that things were going well.

After dinner, Mr. Rossi pulled Marco aside for a private conversation, while Nkem chatted with Mrs. Rossi in the living room. Nkem was nervous about what they were discussing, but she tried to stay calm and composed.

When Marco returned, he had a big smile on his face. "My dad has something he wants to say to you, Nkem," he said, taking her hand.

Nkem's heart raced as Mr. Rossi walked into the room, his face serious but not unfriendly. He took a deep breath and said, "Nkem, I want to apologize for the way I acted before. I was wrong to judge you based on your race and nationality. You have proven yourself to be a smart, ambitious, and kind woman, and I can see that you make my son very happy. I hope you can forgive me."

Nkem was touched by Mr. Rossi's apology and felt a wave of relief wash over her. "Thank you, Mr. Rossi," she said, her voice trembling slightly. "I appreciate your honesty and your willingness to change your mind. I believe that we can all learn from each other and grow together as a family."

Marco put his arm around her and smiled at her proudly. "I knew you two would get along," he said. "Thank you, Dad, for giving Nkem a chance."

Mr. Rossi smiled back at Marco and nodded. "You're a lucky man, Marco," he said. "Nkem is a remarkable young woman, and I'm proud to call her my daughter-in-law."

Nkem blushed at the mention of marriage, but she felt a warm glow in her heart. She was grateful to have found someone who loved and supported her, and who had a family that was willing to accept her for who she was.

As they left the Rossi family home that night, Nkem felt a sense of joy and contentment that she had not experienced in a long time. She knew that there would be challenges ahead, but she felt confident that she and Marco could face them together, with love, respect, and understanding.

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