Chapter twenty one

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As Marco was walking towards his family's mansion, he could feel the excitement bubbling inside of him. His younger siblings, who had been away at boarding school in France, were coming back home for their summer break. He couldn't wait to see them again and catch up on all that had happened while they were away.

Upon entering the house, Marco was greeted by his parents, who were thrilled to see him. After some catching up and a quick family update, they all sat down to a delicious dinner. The atmosphere was buzzing with excitement and joy as Marco's siblings walked through the door.

There was his younger brother, Giovanni , who was now 15 and had grown several inches taller since the last time Marco saw him. Then there was his little sister, Valentina, who was now 11 and had cut her hair into a trendy bob. Finally, there was his youngest sister, Bianca, who was now 8 and had lost her first tooth.

The family dinner was filled with laughter and stories of their time apart. Giovanni told tales of his soccer team's victory in a local tournament, Valentina talked about her newfound love for painting, and Bianca proudly showed off her new tooth gap. Marco couldn't help but feel grateful for his family and the strong bond they shared.

As the night wore on, Marco found himself feeling overwhelmed with emotions. He missed his siblings and wished they could be around more often. With his busy schedule running the family business, he often found it challenging to spend quality time with them. However, seeing the joy on their faces and hearing their laughter made it all worth it.

As the night drew to a close, Marco hugged his siblings tightly, promising to spend more time with them. The next few months were going to be busy for him, with work and overseeing the family's upcoming projects. But he was determined to make time for his family, no matter how hectic his schedule got.

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