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It is the next day now. The entirety of my family is crowded around a spacial table at Marco's. My sister messaged me earlier today and made it known that this was urgent so I reluctantly agreed to attend.

Once everyone is seated, Marco silences the room and stands, his body towering over us. I stare at his smouldering face and submit under his powerful presence.

"I hope everyone is prepared for our early flight tomorrow." He announces. I glance around the table and notice most people nodding, some people not reacting, and I am confused as fuck. I turn to my cousin James and mouth "What?"

He mouths something back but I struggle to make out most of the words. Instead of just sitting there like an idiot, I stand, bringing my drink with me. "Flight for what?" I ask. Marco squints his eyes at me in confusion. "You don't know?" He asks.

"Know what?!" I shout, raising my voice slightly. "We are going to Spain." Francesca buts in. I turn around to see Marco with an amused expression on his face. "Why the fuck did I not know about this?" I question. The room is so silent I swear I can hear my own heart, briskly beating away in my chest. "I'll explain after." Marco says. "Why are we going to Spain? We are literally under attack!" I yell, trying to make sense of the situation. "That's exactly why we're going." He replies. Instead of questioning him further, I slump back down in my chair and finish my champagne in one large swig.

After the insignificant meeting is over, James pulls me aside and clears up a few things I was cynical on. He explains that going to Spain with both families has been a tradition ever since my absence five years ago. The logic behind it is the fact that we have an alliance with the Spanish Mafia and there is some business that needs seeing to there.

While our families are still mingling about vacuous topics, I follow my mother into the baroque kitchen. She reminds me of all the things I should pack for the trip. I just nod my head and smile as she continues to talk about things I stopped listening to a while ago.

I slip out of the mansion before saying goodbye to anyone. I step into my convertible and navigate to my best friend, Tanya's house. I don't know how I'll get through this trip without her. Besides, shes fun and we can party together. I message her to let her know I am impending and when I pull up outside, she is already on the doorstep awaiting my approach. I scurry over to her and give her an ardent hug before following her into the living room.

She pours us each a glass of red wine and we flop down on a small couch. "How would you feel about coming to Spain with me tomorrow?" I blurt out. She lowers her glass from her mouth and looks at me like I am berserk. "Seriously?" She asks.

"Sorry it's late notice, I only just found out." I say. "Whose going?" She asks, placing her glass down on the side. "My family and some of the Italian Mafia." I reply.

She looks at me in confusion. She has every right to be confused, why am I even going on a holiday with them? Why now?

"Are you sure they'll want me there?" She asks as she raises her eyebrows. "Who gives a shit what they want, I can make decisions too." I say, laughing slightly.

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