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𝐈 don't even try and hide the hatred I feel for the Mexican's.

These motherfuckers have been on my radar for years. Putting an end to their lives is my main objective right now.

They really think they can mess with me and my family?! Just because they are entitled to come to the ball doesn't mean they actually should.

The screams and panic in the ballroom finally die down. I reload my AK-47 one last time and spray bullets at the final offenders, waiting a few moments in between shots for Lana to make a snarky comment about me. But she doesn't. I have a brief look around but she is nowhere to be seen.

I shrug it off before instantly having a repressing bad thought. I make sure to scan every corner of the room before approaching her mother and sister. "Have you seen Lana?" I ask, sliding my gun onto the table.

"Yeah shes right th-"

Francesca turns around to see nobody stood behind her. She looks around in confusion for a few seconds and then turns back to me.

"She must of snuck off somewhere." Her mother assumes, trying to convince herself more than us. "Yeah, maybe." I reply, uncertainly. I ignore the feeling in my stomach and make my way back over to my family. My sister is on an extremely heated phone call and I position myself besides her, in front of my men.

"How did we let this fucking happen?! The security is meant to be SECURE!" I yell to the line of men. They nod at every word I say, stuck in their places. "We have people looking into it now." One calls out from the middle of the line. "And when will we hear back?" I question, staring into a pair of tremulous green eyes. "I'm not sur-"

"Well go and fucking find out for me." I order, grabbing the man by the shoulder and giving him a slight shove. He nods his head to an excessive degree and disappears into the crowd of rattled people. I release a harsh breath and look down at the floor, blemished with splotches of sanguine fluid.

One by one, people begin to clear out of the ballroom, attempting to step over the many bodies discarded on the floor.

I decide to head out shortly after my sister, following a good distance after her to the back door. As I am approaching the door, I look down and notice a trail of blood leading down the hallway. It wasn't that extensive but certainly stood out from the white decor. I scan down the trail with my eyes and catch sight of a phone lying flat at the end of it.

I terminate my steps when I reach the end of the trail and pick up the phone. In my hand, it automatically switches on and the wallpaper instantly catches my eye, showing a familiar face. The wallpaper shows a picture of Lana, and I assume, one of her friends. In confusion, I slide the phone into my pocket and head back into the ballroom to inform her family on what I have discovered.

"And you're sure it's hers?" Francesca asks.

I don't argue with her, instead I retrieve the phone from my pocket and hold it out. The same expression crosses each of their faces as they see Lana in the wallpaper.

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