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Two weeks later

" do you really have to go out ?" Chase asked as he was sitting on the bed and i was getting dressed ; " Yes ! It's been a while since i went out with Cassy , i miss my best friend" i told him and he frowned

Suddenly , i felt incredible pain in my stomach , followed by a nausea , I quickly ran to the bathroom and threw up , i heard Chase's footsteps coming towards me fast ; " Eda ! You're okay ??" He asked , worried, i nodded as he helped me get up on my feet and helped clean up

" you're not even feeling well ! why doesn't she come here , and you guys could hang out in here ? " he said , i turned to look at him , narrowing my eyes and with a frown on my face ; " i just don't like the idea of you going out alone " he explained ; " I'm not going out alone , I'm going out with Cassy" i mocked him

" Eda , I'm serious " his tone changed and i knew he was being serious, but seriously what could've gone wrong ? We were going to do a little shopping and wandering around the city then come back

Huge mistake

" at least let Oliver go with you , to guard you " he suggested and i shook my head , Oliver was one of the bodyguards who guarded my house during the night , he was a nice guy but i wanted to be alone with my friend , no security

" Chase , it's final , I'm going out with my friend alone , I'll see you when i get back " i said as i put on my jacket


" be careful " he said , staring right into my soul , i smiled before we shared a deep kiss , we kissed like there was no tomorrow

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" be careful " he said , staring right into my soul , i smiled before we shared a deep kiss , we kissed like there was no tomorrow . We pulled back and gazed at each other before i said goodbye and headed downstairs


" ooh that's so cute " Cassy exclaimed as she took another bite from her hamburger. I was telling her about how caring Chase had been with me . Since she knew everything about him , the mafia family and all , it was hard to hide it from her after that incident with my grandmother in my house

" i envy you , really , you spent all your teenage years single , waiting for your prince Charming and here he is , i guess dreams do come true " she said sarcastically as we both giggled

Chase was more like Beast from beauty and the Beast than Prince Charming , but he was my beast

After our lunch in McDonald , we wandered around central park for few hours , until we entered a random clothes shop . We tried out different clothes until we got tired of them

After picking up the clothes we were going to buy , Cassy told me she was going to the bathroom , i told her i would manage the payment and wait for her outside . And that's what i did , i payed for our purchases and went outside

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