I Promise

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The wind howled from outside and the room felt icy. The heat must've been set at max but I still wasn't warm enough and the bed felt way too big and empty. Every word that left Mitchell's mouth from our fight ran a marathon in my head. I was still concerned about Leo too. I was overwhelmed and my anxiety didn't help. 

My stomach felt uneasy and my heart raced while I tossed and turned. I shut my eyes and tried to sleep but my mind refused to shut off. I had a long day and my body was exhausted but didn't understand the meaning of rest. 

"Are you a fish out of water?" 

Mitchell was so still and silent that I assumed he was already asleep so his voice startled me. "Why are you still awake?"

"I could ask you the same thing," Mitchell replied, irritably. "And how can I sleep when I can hear you shuffling every two seconds?"

"Well, I can't sleep," I responded. "I can't get comfortable, my mind is on overdrive, and it's freezing in here."

"I set the heat on maximum."

"I guess that's not enough for a snowstorm." I turned to my side and curled into a fetal position while hugging myself. "And it doesn't help that you have the spare blanket."

"I'll freeze to death if I sleep without it."

If you slept here with me, it would solve both our problems. 

"Dramatic much," I muttered under my breath. 

Mitchell heard me. "I'm dramatic? You're the one on a queen-sized bed while I'm on this tiny couch."

"And whose fault is that?" I retorted. "I offered you the bed but you wanted to be a gentleman and squeeze your giant body on that tiny couch."

"So, now I'm the bad guy for prioritizing your comfort." Mitchell sighed. "You're never pleased with anything I do."

"No, you're the bad guy for sleeping so far away!" I irritably snapped. I realized that bickering wasn't going to help anyone and he was so far away because of me. I took in a calming breath. "It's okay, I'll get warm soon enough. Sleep, I'll stop disturbing you."

The room fell silent and the only sound was our breathing and the howling wind from outside. The room felt like a freezer no matter how much I tried to warm up. My feet felt like they were set in blocks of ice and I couldn't stop shivering. 

"Freaking five-year-old," Mitchell whispered under his breath and after I heard some movement, I felt another blanket placed on top of me. 

I opened my eyes and watched Mitchell set the thicker, warmer blanket over me. I couldn't let him sleep without anything to keep him warm. "No, take it back. You'll free-"

I trailed off when he pulled open the covers, tossed his pillow beside mine, and got into bed. I rolled my bottom lip inward to suppress a smile while he pulled the covers over both of us. They covered my face and just as I was about to pop my head up, I heard Mitchell's voice. 

"Turn around."

"Hmm?" I moved the covers out of my eyes but my hair still covered half my face. "Are you trying to have sex with me?"

Mitchell deeply sighed. "No, I just don't want to look at you."


"Don't hate me," I softly whispered to myself.

I pushed the covers off my face and removed the hair that covered it. The room was dark but I was still able to see Mitchell's face. His eyes sparkled and I hadn't realized just how close he lay. 

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