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Mitchell's phone went straight to voicemail after it rang for what felt like forever. With a sigh, I dropped my phone beside me and ran my fingers over Winston's back as he slept on my lap. I had a night shift the previous night and my heart almost leaped out of my chest when Mitchell's name popped up on my screen. Unfortunately, I was busy and couldn't talk for long even though I craved hearing his voice more than anything. Mitchell asked me to call when I was free but I slept most of the day and now it seemed he was asleep.

"Eres mi amigo, ¿no?" Winston moved his ears and got comfy on my lap. 

Since I slept most of the day, I was wide awake at one AM in the morning. I didn't like the silence at my apartment so two days ago, I came to Dad's place. It was nice to be around family but Mandy and Dad were busy too and other than dinner time, we never saw each other. My brothers were in college so it was just me and Winston, stargazing to pass the time – but even Winston fell asleep on me. 

I almost forgot what it felt like to be alone. I'd gotten so used to having people around me as of late that now everyone had seemed to disappear, I felt very lonely. Leo was not the same person anymore, Wang was busy with work and his new relationship, Faith was married and living her best life with Owen and Mitchell... well I screwed up there. 

Mitchell was not himself ever since he found out about my presumed pregnancy. He texted daily but it was very brief and almost... cold. I gave him all the space he needed but his cold shoulder hurt. I missed him and the strange turn our relationship took, bothered me a lot. 

If anyone made me smile recently it was Wendi, my patient. I grew so fond of her that I looked forward to working every day just to spend time with her. I loved hearing stories of her life as a young woman. She was very endearing and even though I kept my distance when Nowak was around, I still found a way to bond with her. 

I sat silently and appreciated the warm night air and admired the clear starry sky. The sound of chirping insects filled the space and acted as a sort of tranquilizer. I cleared my mind and decided not to think about anything, I needed some peace after the last couple of weeks I had. 

However, my moment was interrupted when I heard something fall from inside. I froze and assumed someone was awake because there was no way an intruder got into the house with the security Dad had set up. 

I gently lifted Winston, carried him inside, and put him on his bed before I headed to inspect where the noise came from. The house was pretty dark so I used my phone flashlight as I walked until I reached the entrance hall where a tall, masculine silhouette stood. 

My heartbeat picked up a notch but I bravely turned on the light and a huge breath of relief washed over me when I recognized the figure. 

"Dave?" I whisper-yelled. "Why are you sneaking into the house in the middle of the night?"

"Mila?" Dave frowned and blinked twice. "What are you doing here?"

"What are you doing here?" I countered. "Aren't you supposed to be in Boston?"

Dave looked around the room and stepped closer. "Could you keep it down, if Dad hears us, he'll kill me."

"Well?" I waited for an answer. "You left two days ago for school and you're already back?"

"Look, Mils, I don't want to get into this. It was a long trip from Boston, I just want to get some stuff and I'll leave."

"Leave?" I couldn't believe my ears. "And go where?"

"God, you sound worse than Dad right now," Dave muttered to himself. He didn't bother to respond and walked past me but I gripped his arm to stop him.

"I always cover for you, don't you think you owe me an explanation?" 

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