Revelation And Secrets

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Why did I always run? Was I only good at that? The minute I was overwhelmed with emotions, the first thing I did was run. I rushed upstairs to Mitchell's bedroom and shut the door behind me. I leaned against the tall door with my eyes shut and collected my breath.

I'd never thought about kids, heck, there was a time I was certain I didn't want any kind of relationship. Even after Mitchell and I got together, the idea of kids scared me. However, having the possibility of ever having them taken away was a bitter pill to swallow.

Mitchell adored kids and I could tell he wanted to be a father one day. I was nowhere ready to be a mom but knew when or if the time arrived in our relationship, I'd have a mature conversation with Mitchell and take it further from there. But now, it seemed the only conversation that was due between us was if Mitchell wanted to continue this relationship or not.

Mitchell didn't run after me and I guessed it was because Odette was asleep downstairs and perhaps, he needed a moment to decipher what I just told him. Mitchell would have questions and I was going to give him all the answers.

After collecting myself and taking in many deep breaths. I paced back and forth and tried to clear my mind. As if it were a rehearsed speech, I practiced how I was going to explain what I learned from Dr. Barlos.

Not long after, I heard a soft knock on the door. My voice felt stuck, my heart raced and my stomach knotted. I was anxious because I had no idea how Mitchell was going to react and what would've become of us by the end of the night.

"Mila?" Mitchell called. "Can I come in?"

Why is being so formal?

"Ye..." I cleared my throat. "Yes."

The door slowly opened, Mitchell stepped in and shut the door behind him. He stood a good few feet away with his hands in his pockets and merely observed me.


"Macy just collected her."

I nodded and nervously tucked loose strands of hair behind my ears. "Was she still asleep or did she wa-"

"What happened downstairs?" Mitchell cut me off. "What did you mean by you're not what I need?"

"Exactly that," I stated.

Mitchell deeply sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Please don't talk in riddles."

I was fine when I was by myself but as soon as Mitchell stood before me, that awful lump was back in my throat. "I didn't want to talk about this when we were distracted by Odette, that's why I held it off all night."

"Is this about what's been going on with you?"

I nodded. "It isn't easy to talk about. I don't know what will happen to us after I tell you everything."

"Mila..." Mitchell softly drawled and stepped towards me. He took my hand in his and walked us over to his bed where we sat. He searched my face for a long moment. "Do you trust me?"

"Of course."

"Then trust that no matter what, nothing will happen to us."

"Don't speak too soon," I whispered.

"Don't piss me off and tell me everything Dr. Barlos said."

Mitchell stared into my eyes and the fear his eyes held added to my anxiety. I wished we could've spoken in a darkened room where I didn't have to look at him. Mitchell needed to know this, I promised to no longer keep any secrets between us, and no matter how hard it was, I stood by that promise.

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