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Dad and Mitchell told me countless times to hire a cleaning lady but I was adamant that I wasn't raised that way. Abuela and Mom raised me to do my chores but with my work schedule, I sometimes cleaned in a rush and didn't always do simple things like throwing away trash that needed to be gone ASAP. 

My mind went blank and my heart raced. Mitchell appeared calm but I could've guessed the one thousand questions that must've run through his head. 

"W-where?" I hesitated and tried to grab the box but he pulled his hand back. I gulped. "Where did you find that?"

"That's not important," Mitchell dismissed. "Why do you have an empty pregnancy test box?"

"You shouldn't be looking through my stuff." I avoided eye contact, stepped closer to him, and tried to grab the box back but he lifted his arms high enough so I couldn't reach.

"You're getting very defensive." Mitchell's eyes moved over every feature on my face. 

I took in a deep breath and ran a hand through my hair. "Look, I'm a doctor and-"

"Don't," Mitchell snapped and I was startled by his loud tone. He took in a breath and calmed down. "Don't lie to me, Mila."

Leo's words ran through my head and at that moment, I knew he was right. Mitchell had every right to know but I pushed it back because I simply wanted to forget. 

"Please," Mitchell virtually pleaded. "Just be honest."

Mitchell looked a little scared and I assumed it was a reaction due to his toxic past relationship. If I stood before him and lied to his face, it wouldn't just trigger him but it would possibly change his entire perspective of me. Besides, I wasn't a liar or manipulator, I was just afraid of the situation I found myself in a week ago and opening up was never my strong forte. 

"Please don't get mad," I whispered. 

Mitchell shut his eyes and exhaled before he looked at me once more. "Talk to me."

I gulped and realized my hands tremored when I dropped the glass of water on the island counter. My heart sped and my stomach churned from anxiety, I had no idea how Mitchell would react. 

I licked my dry lips. "I've missed two periods. Last month I made nothing of it but when I missed my period this month, I got a little paranoid."

Mitchell quietly stood opposite me and stared intensely. "When did you take the test?"

"Last week."

"Last week," Mitchell muttered to himself and turned his back to me. 

"But it was a false alarm, I tested twice and both were negative," I blabbed in hopes it would ease the situation. "I assume with stress and recently starting the pill, my cycle is a little offbeat. I overreacted and assumed the worst –"

Mitchell slowly turned around. "The worst?"

"I mean..." I trailed off and didn't know what to say. Those two words were confirmation that Mitchell would've been over the moon had I been pregnant while it was the last thing I wanted in my life right now. 

"This is why I couldn't tell you and when I saw how you were with Odette, it scared me even more. You love kids and I'm... indifferent. Besides that, I'm nowhere near ready to take on the responsibility of a child."

"And you think I am?" 

"I don't know, it's not something we've ever discussed and it wasn't a discussion I wanted to have for a long time."

"There is a huge difference between spending time with someone else's child and taking on the responsibility of your own," Mitchell coolly said. "Just because I'm fond of Odette or kids doesn't mean I want my own at this moment in time."

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