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⚠️ Chapter contains mature content⚠️

I trusted Mitchell, I knew my place in his life and how much I meant to him but I still also was human and when I stood face to face with his ex, it stirred an ugly feeling in the pit of my stomach. My smile from earlier slowly faded and my fingers instinctively loosened around Mitchell's. With pursed lips, I tried to remove my hand out of his but he tightly wrapped his fingers around mine and held on firmly.

I blinked and took in the beautiful woman in front of me, her blonde hair was set immaculately without a strand out of place and her blue eyes shone as she smiled at Mitchell.

"Hello, Olivia," Mitchell's tone was polite but curt.

Mitchell and Olivia briefly dated before we went on a road trip, as a couple they also joined in on a camping trip we went on for Faith's birthday two years ago. At that time, I pitied Olivia for dating a broody, prude like Mitchell, and wondered what she ever saw in him but now I understood – Mitchell was a different person when he didn't hate you.

On that trip, Mitchell's and Olvia's tent sat beside mine and as I stood across her, I couldn't stop my mind from recollecting how I heard how she and Mitchell went at it one night. The ugly feeling that sat in the pit of my stomach grew and moved up to my chest, I tried to pull my hand out of Mitchell's grasp once more but he only held on tighter and pulled me closer to his side.

I took in a breath and shook away my baseless thoughts, I knew Mitchell had a past before me and accepted it. Although, standing across said past who stared at Mitchell doe eyed wasn't something I anticipated.

Olivia's eyes slowly moved over to me and I didn't miss the way they quickly dropped to my hands that were intertwined with Mitchell's. "Mila," Olivia smiled widely. "It's good to see you here too... together."

"And congratulations on graduating," she sincerely added. "I suppose I owe you my gratitude because your notes that circulated our class helped a lot."

I forced a small smile, "Thank you, and congratulations to you too."

Her gaze dropped once more to mine and Mitchell's hands. "It's about time you two made it official," she said. "You guys were the only two who refused to see how much into each other you were."

"Eh debatable," I replied sarcastically mostly to tease Mitchell.

Olivia softly laughed. "Anyway, it was nice bumping into you again. All the best for residency and what awaits you." Olivia nodded at Mitchell, "Take care, guys."

"You too," Mitchell half grinned and Olivia walked past us to leave.

I felt Mitchell's gaze at the side of my head and even though the interaction with Olivia was a little awkward and uncomfortable, the bitterness I felt a while ago slowly evaporated. I took a step towards the elevator and after the door closed, I still felt Mitchell's eyes fixed on me.

I slowly turned my head in his direction and looked up into his eyes. "What?" I raised a brow. "I know I'm pretty but stop staring, it's creepy."

A tiny grin grew over Mitchell's lips and he brought his hand to my cheek but before his knuckles touched my skin, I slapped it away. "You've ruined my makeup enough for one night."

Mitchell didn't respond with words, instead, with his penetrative gaze fixated on me, he took a step closer. My stomach knotted and I wasn't sure if it was out of intimidation or if I was just flustered by the way he looked at me. I refused to let him know how affected I was, I squared my shoulders, raised a brow, and stared at him, unbothered.

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