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The road to healing was never easy. However, when you had someone at your side, it made healing more tolerable. Mitchell was a great help and I appreciated everything he did for me to speed up my recovery. For the first two days, Mitchell stayed home and worked from his study. By the third day, I was a lot better and convinced him to go to work. 

Thankfully, he didn't smother me and gave me space when I needed it. Mitchell didn't bring up our problems either. The time we spent together was pleasant, we watched TV, spoke about random things, and even shared some laughs. It felt a lot like the time I stayed back in LA after our road trip. Our relationship felt more like a friendship than anything else and it was... nice. Although a couple of times I woke up and saw him walk out of the bathroom after a shower, I felt nothing like his friend and shamelessly checked him out. 

I'd have liked to think that things were a little better between Mitchell and me but the minute we got closer, I backed away. I wasn't sure if it was insecurities that spoke or if I was just a petty bitch with a grudge. I tried but still couldn't get over why Mitchell would look at Liza that way after everything. My crazy hormones from taking estrogen after the surgery didn't help my case. 

Dad called on Thursday and I told him about the surgery. Typically, he panicked and was upset I didn't inform him sooner but after I calmly explained why, he understood. He wanted to see me at the soonest but I wasn't too sure if he'd be comfortable at Mason's penthouse so I told him I'd go over instead. 

I was a lot better by the end of the week and other than slight discomfort when I stood for too long or did strenuous activities, I felt pretty much normal. I was to spend the weekend at Dad's and since I was back on duty at the hospital from Monday, I was going back to my place on Sunday. Dad insisted to pick me up but I told him to arrive in the evening, I didn't want to leave without informing Mitchell.

Mitchell took longer than usual and Dad said he'd pick me up on his way back from the office so I tried to call Mitchell but his phone was off. I had no other option but to leave a note on the refrigerator. I informed Mitchell about my whereabouts and thank him for all he did. 

Dad texted to say he was about to leave the office so I brought my things downstairs and waited. I passed time by playing a game on my phone but just then, the front door opened and I was relieved to see Mitchell walk in. 

He looked exhausted and by his clenched jaw and stern expression, it appeared he wasn't in the best of moods. Mitchell deeply sighed as he loosened his tie and walked towards the downstairs room he occupied since I temporarily moved in. 

"You can have your room back." 

Mitchell, who didn't notice me, stopped in his tracks and looked my way with a frown. He made his way to the kitchen and leaned to kiss me but stopped midway and pulled back. "Hey," he greeted. "What are you doing down here so quietly?"

"Trying to pass this annoying level but..." I trailed off, locked my phone, and stood. I shoved my hands in my pockets and half grinned. "How was your day? You look like someone stole your candy and got away with it."

Mitchell ran a hand over his face and breathed in. "It was a long day. How are you feeling?"


Mitchell was about to respond but his eyes landed on my bag. His brows knitted together and he pointed at the bag. "Are you going somewhere?"

I rolled my bottom lip inward and sheepishly nodded. "Dad's on his way to pick me up."


"In a bit."

"You're," Mitchell paused and blinked twice. "You're leaving?"

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