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I could tell why forêt d'Aitone was dubbed as the lungs of Corsica as Mitchell drove through the narrow tracks of the forest. We were surrounded by nature at its finest, engulfed by green and verdant landscape made up mainly of pine and oak trees that stood side by side in perfect harmony. 

It was refreshing to be among nature as opposed to the hustle and bustle of cities we frequently visited. Mitchell hired an open-top Jeep which allowed me to breathe in the cool, crisp, unpolluted air of the forest. I was enlightened by the many birds that flew over and through the tall trees, insect chirps with sounds of other unknown fauna and occasionally, Mitchell had to slow down the vehicle because of an animal we'd bypass.

The route we took was longer and different from the one we would've taken if we cycled. There weren't many tourists around so it felt like a very personal and private drive up to the riverside. 

"Hola, Pumba," I waved at a dark brown wild pig as Mitchell hit the brakes and slowed down.

"Pumba is a warthog," Mitchell pointed out and glanced at me, "That is a wild boar."

"Same thing," I rolled my eyes.

"Pumba has a lot less fur than this guy," Mitchell went on to explain and I rolled my eyes at his technicalities.

I raised a brow, "Have you ever seen a warthog or do you just smell like one?"

"I've been on two different Safari's, one in Kenya and another in South Africa," he replied. "I have seen my fair share of wildlife."

"Show off," I muttered under my breath.

Mitchell reached for my hand took it in his, "We'll go on a safari on our next trip and I'll introduce you to all of Pride Rock."

I smiled and was impressed he stuck with my Lion King reference, "Look at you, understanding my lingo."

"I told you I've seen my fair share of wildlife to understand you," he teased. I scowled and pulled my hand out of his grasp.

"Tonto del culo," I cursed under my breath.

Mitchell chuckled, "You cannot deny that you're pretty... wild sometimes."

"Remember when you tried to rip my hair off? And when you placed Lego pieces all over my bedroom and shoved ice down my pants? And all those nipple pinches," Mitchell went on to name some of my proudest moments. "And do not even get me started on your colorful vocabulary, I have lost count of the names you've given me and parts of my body."

I smiled innocently at him, "Aren't you proud to call me yours?"

"Of course, you'd take that as a compliment," Mitchell shook his head and picked up speed again once the pig was out of the way. He stretched his arm and while simultaneously glancing in front and at me, he lovingly grazed his thumb over my cheek before he playfully pinched it. "Yes, very proud indeed," he earnestly grinned. 

I ignored the butterflies in my stomach and how I felt like a silly teenage girl in love and grabbed his hand before he could pull away. Mitchell didn't make anything of it and casually focused on driving but I took his index and middle finger and slipped it into my mouth. I ran my tongue over the pad and glanced at Mitchell from beneath my lashes while he looked at me with a look of surprise and perhaps confusion.

"What are you..." he trailed off and exclaimed when I bit him, "Ow!"

Mitchell pulled his hand away and scowled at me in dismay. "See, wild animal!"

I softly laughed under my breath and propped one leg on the dashboard of the vehicle. "Don't play coy, you've licked more than just my fingers."

"The only time I like my fingers in your mouth is when I'm fucking you from behind and using them to shut that smartass mouth of yours," Mitchell casually remarked as he wiped my saliva off his fingers over the fabric of his shorts.

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