He's Still My Friend

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I anxiously tapped my fingers against my thigh while the cab drove me to Long Island. No matter how much I tried, I couldn't decipher Dave's words. It just didn't make sense, not when it came to Leo of all people. 

The cab couldn't go any slower and each second felt like an eternity. Traffic wasn't so bad but wasn't good either. I repeatedly asked the cabbie how much longer and by the scowl on his face, I assumed he grew annoyed. 

Finally, after what felt like forever, I reached. I rushed out of the cab and took quick steps into the little pub that was once a regular spot for Leo and me. The place was busy and I scanned the room until I spotted Dave. 

Dave stood with his hand on Leo's shoulder while Leo sat on a chair looking completely out of it. Two police officers spoke to Dave and took notes. When Dave called and told me that Leo was involved in a brawl at a pub, I couldn't believe it. For as long as I knew Leo, he was never a violent person, in fact, he hated it. So, I couldn't fathom how he of all people got into a fight but then I remembered how much he'd changed. 

"Thank you, Officer," Dave politely said. The two officers nodded at me and dragged another drunken guy out with them. 

"Mila," Dave breathed in relief. "Thank God you're here."

"What happened?" I glanced at Leo who appeared as if he were about to pass out at any second. 

Leo squinted his eyes, widened, shut, and then opened them again. "Mila?" He slurred. "What are you doing here?"

"I called her," Dave replied on my behalf. 

"You shouldn't have done that." Leo attempted to stand and when Dave tried to stop him, he pushed him away. "No, I don't need any help, I'm fine."

Leo tripped over his own feet and almost fell but Dave quickly held him back. "You're sure about that?"

Leo hiccupped. "Yeah."

"Leo sit down," I instructed. "And Dave, please tell me what happened."

Leo sat down and that's when I noticed the slight bruising that began to form around his eye. The corner of his bottom lip and his knuckles bled, and the left side of his face appeared a little swollen. 

"I don't know the details but I was here with some friends, I didn't even know Leo was here until a fight broke out. I was about to leave when I spotted Leo and two drunken guys throw fists. I tried to intervene but security jumped in and that's when fists were exchanged for broken glass bottles."

"What?!" My priority was to examine Leo to check if he had any wounds but the minute I touched him, he shrugged me off and mumbled something incoherent.

"Leo, don't be stubborn right now, you could be hurt!"

"And since when have you ever cared about that?" Leo stared straight into my eyes. 

"What is that supposed to mean?"

Leo scoffed. "Nothing. Thank you for your concern but I'm beat, I'm leaving." Leo attempted to stand but couldn't manage. He was either very drunk or pretty hurt because he looked pale and appeared to have no energy. 

He breathed rapidly and rubbed his temples. "Fuck."

"I'll drive you back," Dave offered.

Leo shut his eyes, gulped, and nodded. "Thanks."

"You can't take him to his parents' place in this state. Adult or not, Leo's mom will kill him if she sees him like this."

"What do you suggest?"

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