The Calm

812 39 101

Mitchell's POV

I took one step out the front door and cursed myself. My temper was my worst enemy, it always clouded logic and, in Mila's words, made me act like a cabrón.

How could I have even thought something more from what Leo said? How could I ever doubt Mila? I was such a fool in those seconds to let my erratic thoughts get the better of me.

I shut the front door and decided to go damn well get my girl.

"I was expecting you," Leo said as soon as he opened the door.

I normally never paid much attention to the way anyone looked but I was taken aback for a moment by how much weight Leo had lost since I last saw him. He had dark circles around his eyes, appeared a little pale, and looked exhausted. I pitied the guy.

"I thought you're in love with Mila. Why are you staring at me like that?"

I blinked and looked away. "Is Mila here?"

Leo stepped out of the way and gestured for me to enter. "This way."

I never thought I'd ever willingly step into Leo's apartment yet here I was. His place was neat. It appeared a little confined compared to Mila's but I still wouldn't have called it small. He kept the color scheme very monotone with hues of greys and dark browns.

My eyes landed on the sleeping figure, curled into an almost fetal position on the reclining seat of the sectional sofa. Whatever annoyance and anger I felt from earlier, immediately left the minute my eyes landed on Mila.

"Did you know she talks in her sleep?" Leo's voice averted my attention. "She was saying something about vegan burgers and a pet rabbit who stole her carrots."

I stifled a laugh. "She only does that when she's sleep deprived."

I stepped into the living room and couldn't suppress a smile as I drew closer to Mila. Leo covered her with a light blanket and clung onto it with her fist. There were times I preferred when she slept so I'd get some quiet but, in all honesty, nothing beat hearing that smart mouth of hers.

"How long has she been asleep?"

"Maybe for an hour now," Leo replied. "I turned my back for a minute and she passed out. I wanted to wake her but she needs the sleep. She's been working around the clock without a break."

I sighed. "I know."

"You should tell her to slow down. I tried but she doesn't listen and said she was fine. But she's burnt out and needs to be put in a coma for at least a week to recharge."

I rubbed my temples. "You think I haven't tried?" I asked Leo if it was alright to take a seat before I sat beside Mila and pushed loose strands of hair off her face. Her soft skin felt good on my fingertips and the warmth it offered felt as if it went straight to my chest.

I missed you way too much.

"She's so stubborn," Leo muttered under his breath. "I keep telling her I'm fine but she still goes overboard. And she's clocking in extra shifts at work because she wants to be a good friend."

I glanced at him. "Are you though? Fine?"

Leo cleared his throat. "She's out cold, she's not going to hear us. You don't have to pretend we're friends for her sake."

"We're not," I blurted. "I mean, I'm not asking just to please Mila. I'm asking honestly. I haven't seen you since... well, are you doing alright?"

Leo looked surprised but sat on the seat opposite me and nodded. "I'm getting by."

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