Ch. 18: Pained hearts

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Ch. 18: Pained hearts

Aiden’s mind was functioning on autopilot ever since he received the DNA test results from Sasha and that was three days go. He refused to acknowledge the results so he took two more tests to clarify—different PCR machines but what he saw on paper was like a super kick in the nuts. Everything he’d ever feared came back to him in a whirlwind rush, squeezing his neck so tight and demanding for his life. He couldn’t breathe.

Carl had lied to him with a face of a saint and he believed him—trusted in him.

What pissed Aiden off the most was that he could’ve killed the guy. Just like the original plan but he spared his life, not because Carl was a hot piece of ass that he wanted to ravage—there was more to that, feelings.

For the first time in forever, Aiden could sleep at night without his legs giving him any problems—dreaming about Carl and everything he wanted to do with him. The man had effortlessly gnawed into his heart and he had let him.  

“So what’s your plan now?” Takashi asked. He was the only person besides Aiden who knew about the murder plan. “You think he really did it?”

“Shit,” Aiden murmured, wiping at his face. “The evidence is right there, man. I don’t know what I was expecting when I trusted him.”

Nodding slowly Takashi paced inside Aiden’s study room, musing. “Maybe he didn’t do it.”

Aiden looked at him with a disapproving glare. “It only makes sense, Tak. The DNA matched for fuck’s sake.”

“So what are you going to do about it?”

Aiden frowned, thrown for a second. “I’m going to be playing his cards and one of us will come out of this alive.”

“Attaboy!” Takashi was grinning. “Give him a life lesson to take down to his grave. He killed your sister, he deserves everything that you throw at him. And don’t hold back.”

Tremors swept through Aiden, and his chest twisted up in knots. Despite the evidence of Carl’s deceit he still felt something—was it an inkling of trust? That Carl could have never hurt Yasmin in such a horrific way?

Speaking of the devil, Aiden’s phone buzzed with Carl’s name flashing on the screen. He looked at the device, the urge to smash his phone into a wall gripped him so hard but he decided against it. Instead, he picked up.

“I got something special for you.” Carl’s voice came in smoothly and Aiden felt his gut churning. It always happened whenever Carl was involved. Sometimes it was worse, especially when he woke up from his dreams pitching a huge tent inside his sheets. It felt like tiny little creatures were inside of him having a damn orgy or something. The feeling was new, absolutely crazy and he didn’t hate it. “I promise you’re going to love it.”

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