Ch. 10: Hurts so good

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Ch. 10: Hurts so good

“I object! Morrison right there is my fiancé.”

“What in the name of TLC prank is this?” Charlie was in stitches but after seeing Carl’s frozen stature he gulped. “Who is this dude anyway? He’s lying, right?”

Carl didn’t respond, the man was too shocked to budge a single muscle.

“I know what most of you are thinking right now,” Aiden walked towards the altar while every pair of eyes in the building was pinned on him. “This man is batshit crazy walking in here with such declaration.”

No one dared to make a sound. Not even a baby cried. Sick.

“Well, maybe I am crazy,” Aiden paused a bit, his eyes then caught sight of Nandi who looked like she was about to pass out any second. “love makes people do crazy stuff sometimes, doesn’t it?”

“Look… mister, we don’t have time for childish games,” someone in the crowd spoke causing the others to start murmuring amongst themselves. “if any of your claims are true, why don’t you prove it?”

At the mention of evidence of an intimate relationship, Carl sighed deeply knowing very well Aiden hadn’t thought that far. Except he did,

“I knew there was going to be a doubting Thomas,” Aiden said with a twitch on his lips. “I do apologize in advance because some of the pictures and videos I’m about to show you are a little… well, you’ll see for yourselves. Let’s get into it shall we?”

At the front and either sides of the cathedral was a huge screen mounted on each rustic wall, and at Aiden’s signal, all screens turned blue after they had stopped projecting what was happening at the altar.

The first picture appearing on the screens was that of Aiden and Carl sharing a sweet kiss with the Eiffel Tower as their background. Another one popped up, Carl kissing Aiden on the cheek and you couldn’t miss how happy they both seemed to be. Hundred more pictures came through, others were lewd and very provocative. Screenshots of sexting messages were also displayed. There were some videos too. Last but not least was a small clip that started with Aiden down on a single knee asking for Carl’s hand in marriage.  

 “Yes! Yes!” Carl in the video proclaimed excitedly. “Oh baby, of course I’ll marry you.”

Aiden sniffled. “You really mean that?”

“Yes, really,” Carl murmured as he helped Aiden to get back up on his feet. “I just have to tell everyone about us first. I’ve been procrastinating this whole lie with Nandi for way too long because I was scared of what people would say about us. We don’t have to be a secret anymore.”

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