Ch. 9: Every dirty little secret

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Ch. 9: Every dirty little secret

It was sometime after ten pm.

Aiden left Crown Grand with an inevitably screwed mind, mostly because of his sphinx-like questions concerning Carl's fiancée—Nandi van Wyk. There was something unsurprisingly menacing about her guise that Aiden couldn't quite lay a solid finger on. She wasn't a mere wolf in sheep's fur, but more of a viper in glowing, colorful and smooth as film skin. She lures you into a dangerous whirling hole of two-facedness then the excruciatingly painful biting starts at night while remaining rather timid until the sun goes down.

There was more to theorize that's for sure, but the more Aiden tried to dig, the more he felt as though his brain cells were being randomized. In simple terms, It was fruitless.

Enjoying a nice vista of the glimmering city lights which came with some form of serenity and cool spring breeze at a balcony vantage point of Executive Gentlemen Club, Aiden wondered what Carl was doing at this very specific point in time. He'd left the guy in that hotel bathroom a few minutes ago—plainly flustered, and of course Aiden had noticed Carl's ears and nose tip tainting with a light tinge of pink. Subtle, but it was still there only if you looked close enough, which Aiden did.

It was infuriatingly adorable how Carl had tried to maintain a poker face despite his unmistakably reddened self, Aiden caught himself smiling at the memory which was now refusing to vacate his head for any reason whatsoever.

"Who's got you smiling like a teenage boy who just received his first head in a janitor's closet?" It was Takashi.

Aiden blinked from his reverie, "A guy can't smile anymore?"

"I never thought I'd live to see the day." Takashi teased as walked towards the balcony iron rod barricades where he comfortably pressed his back. "The mighty Aiden Black life-threatening persona has been broken."

Aiden snorted at the ridiculousness of it all. Takashi was family so he sometimes let him play with his tail to a certain extent. Everyone is happy, no harm done.

"So tell me, why are you here tonight? We both know the club is not exactly your usual spot." Takashi watched him, assessing.

"Nandi van Wyk..." Aiden started. "I want to know everything there is to know about her. Every dirty little secret she's keeping."

Takashi met Aiden's stare, crossing his arms on his chest. "What's in it for me?"

"You'll be doing a favor for a brother."

"You shouldn't be going around looking for flares, Aiden." Something about Takashi's frigid tone made Aiden's guts grit a little. "Unless you're planning on starting a wild fire."

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