Chapter Thirty

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I stumbled behind her long strides, struggling to keep up with her. Looking around, the place was still the same; the paint was still peeling off the door and the windows were still thickly coated in dust. The apples from the trees were now gone, making it look empty.

"I know that but I want them to like me," I coughed, feeling embarrassed, "And I'm not the most likeable person, you know?"

Nerves wracked my body with every step we took; these were the people Natalia considered her family and I didn't want to do or say anything that might offend or hurt any of them. I was known for constantly messing things up and this wouldn't be any exception.

Natalia stopped in her step and turned to shoot me a knowing glare. A desolate sigh left my lips when I saw the look, and I rolled my eyes.

"Right, yeah. No more negativity." I grumbled, "I remember."

An easy-going smile slipped on her face, "There we go. Now, come on. I know they'll end up loving you more than they love me."

"Is that possible?" I muttered under my breath, a surprised oof leaving me when she grabbed my wrist, tugging me towards the door.

"Slow down," My voice wobbled when she dashed through the small corridor, "I'm going to trip over!"

"You'll be fine," She turned her head to grin back at me. "Just steer clear of some of the Lego blocks that are lying around!"

My heart leaped in panic, "Wait where -"

"Hey everyone!" She raised her voice, grabbing all the children's attention, "Remember that friend I was talking about a few days ago? Well this is him! Say hi to Trevor everyone!"

A chorus of hi's filled the room. Some smiled toothily at me, while others looked at me with confused expressions. I stood idly next to Natalia, unsure of what I supposed to do or say. Lifting my hand, I gave a small, awkward wave to everyone.

"Hi," I hesitated, "I'm Trevor."

My eyes locked on a familiar looking child wearing a bobbled hat. But it was almost too big for him, as every few seconds he would tilt his head back to move it out of his eyes. His black, tufty hair stuck out at the sides, like he'd just woken up from a long nap.

My eyes trailed over everyone else; some of the other kids were giggling and laughing, throwing their heads back like only young children could do. But for the most part, they all had faces that had unhealthy looks to it, while their eyes were hard and open as they stared at nothing. An uncomfortable feeling settled inside my chest at the bones that protruded from their bodies, thinly wrapped in fabric. While most offered me a small smile, from here I could see the yellow stain and the tangled, unbrushed hair.

I turned to glance at Natalia who rolled her lip in between her mouth in an attempt to stop laughing at my shy and almost terrified expression, but her shoulders started to shake with laughter.

"Go on, laugh," I muttered sulkily, "It's hilarious, right?"

"Sorry," She smiled and nudged me with her shoulder, "I don't think I've ever seen you this uncomfortable before."

"I'm nervous," I confessed, eyeing them warily, "I just don't want to do anything to screw this up."

"And you won't," She promised and patted my shoulder, "Okay? Now come on. Let's introduce you to some of the kids."

I nodded stiffly, sticking to her side as Natalia guided us around the room, but I stopped when I noticed a small girl standing by herself in a corner. Her eyes were downcast and she picked at the corner of her sleeve while her eyes flickered around the room, almost in fright, every few seconds. She stood in such a way that made her look like all she wanted was to disappear. Every few seconds, she shifted her weight from her left to her right, and back again as if she was unsure of whether to move or keep still.

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