Chapter Eighteen

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I coughed, banging on my chest. There was no way I was about to believe that Natalia was an orphan; it just didn't make any sense. Why would she not have told me?

Zach shot me a dubious look, "Come on. Don't tell me it didn't even cross your mind when you came here?"

I struggled to form a proper sentence, fumbling over my words. "Well - no I just. . . I guess I thought that -"

"Hey guys!"

Natalia's cheery voice came from behind us. Immediately, I shut my mouth, feeling her sling her arms over our shoulders.

"How's it going?" She glanced between the two of us. "Is everything okay?"

Zach didn't let anything slip and smiled. "It's great. How's everything outside? Is it set up?"

"Yeah," She grinned, visibly relaxing at his response. "I've rounded most people, but some had to leave early."

"There's always next time," He shrugged. "Well, I'll head on in. I like stealing all the nice food first."

Natalia rolled her eyes when Zach scurried off, slipping out the back door with an excited expression.

"Hey, so everything was fine, right?" She asked when he was out of ear shot. Her face morphed into one of concern. "He didn't say anything inappropriate, did he? He has a tendency to do that sometimes."

My mouth worked soundlessly, struggling to think of anything to say; and I found myself just staring at her. How was Natalia an orphan? And why hadn't she mentioned anything to me about it? Then again, what kind of people would ever leave her? She was probably the closest thing to an angel I would ever get.

"Hello?" She waved a hand in front of my face in concern. "God, he did, didn't he? I'm sorry if he weirded you out, but I promise he's actually a sweetheart -"

"No, no," I croaked, finding my voice. "Don't worry, he didn't say anything strange."

She eyed me suspiciously. "Really?"

I nodded, not trusting my voice.

"Why do you look weird then?" She squinted, scrutinizing me with her eyes.

I jerked my head back when she leaned closer. Her soft breath fanned over my face and I could see the few brown freckles smattered over her nose and cheeks.

"W-What are you doing?" I stammered. "Stop -"

"Your face is going all red," She tinkled a laugh before stepping back. "But okay, I'll stop teasing you. Now come on, the food is probably going all cold while we're out here babbling."

Like before, she took a hold of my arm and tugged my in the direction of the chatter. We slid out of the back doors, stepping out into the small yard. There were a few tables that allowed for small groups to sit together. Despite the lack of luxury, there was no shortage of ambience; just being together was all seemed to matter to them. As Natalia dragged me to one of the emptier tables, I noticed on every face, there was a smile and the volume outside rose with laughter and chatter.

"Don't look so nervous," She whispered before we sat down. "I swear everyone's lovely."

"Natalia!" One of the young girls threw her head back and giggled like only a young child could. It was that infectious kind of laugh that lit up adults – like an echo of the children we once were.

"Hey Georgia," She cooed, reaching over to high-five the girl. "I haven't seen you all day, what have you been up to?"

"Mary and I were baking," She smiled shyly, looking at me. "We made cupcakes."

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