Chapter 53

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An important question has been slowly sizzling in my mind since yesterday night but I didn't have enough courage to ask it and ruin the moment. Looking outside the window as I slowly chew on my food, I focus my gaze on the gloomy sky, a typical day here. The huge fluffy clouds of different shades of grey covering the sun and leaving just a little bit of the blue sky picking through.

My phone screen is the thing that brings my attention back as it continues to light up every few seconds. Damn, they're persistent. I grab my phone and stare at the messages debating whether I should let them hanging there or actually answer.

"Are you going to answer them or what?" Mia's voice brings my gaze to hers to find her smiling.

"I should, shouldn't I?" I say as I unlock my phone going in the group chat.

"Well you might want to put then out of their misery if you're their best friend, " she chuckles while taking a sip of her warm coffee.

"But is so enjoyable sometimes watching them suffer from a safe distance, " I shrug as I see them freaking out in the chat.

Fucking hell! Fucking answer to us axel!! you can't just throw a shit ball at us like that and then leave! - L

Wait did you guys fucked? - A

Unbelievable! Axel got the kitty but I don't get the d last night? -L

Hey, that's, not a nice thing to say, babe! You could've of given me your d too but you didn't -M

Omg, I'm actually hanging out with children. I can't honestly not facepalm any harder.

But I wanted your d last night honey. You weren't giving me any of your honey, if you know what I mean -L

Guys pls can you like have the conversation about your honey privately? I'm trying to eat here -A

Oh, I'm sorry Aiden am I disgusting you? Cause you boys don't have any problem talking about kitties in this chat -L

You don't see us complain about your honey, Aiden -M

Axel come on mate back me up here -A

I don't have a problem about any of you talking about your dicks as long as you keep mine out of your mouths - Axel

I mean, I can't deny that I haven't thought about your d in my mouth but I digress -M

Excuse me, honey, what was that? -L

I'm sorry babe but don't worry I can definitely say that your d is my favourite -M

And always will be, you're forgiven if you give me the d tonight -L

Okay I will -M

Perfect now onto you Axel, don't think we forgot about you! I thought that the kitty was so good you passed out or something -L

Glad to get a response now, did you fucked? -A

Yes, we did, happy now? -Axel

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