Chapter 38

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I gently touch the petals of the beautiful roses I have been receiving from Axel via Maya when we have uni. As always theirs notes along with the roses, every time he writes about something different he likes or feels about me. It has been going on for a couple of weeks now and valentines day it's just around the corner. I have 7 roses in my jar so far I place them by the bay window in the bedroom since I like sitting here.

I put my earphones in and press play leaning my head on the white rim of the window. I watch the raindrops hit the glass hard and drip down making it difficult to see anything past them. I let out a soft sigh feeling my whole body relaxing as I close my eyes for a few seconds. I notice my white candle sitting there when I reopen my eyes and I decide to light it up making the room smell nice.

I lift the jar of roses and pick up the little notes Axel has written to me underneath it before letting it sit back down. I think I lost count of how many times I reread them after the 15th time.

I look at the first note and smile at the fond memory of the start of this sweet gesture. Putting it at the back I look at the second note remembering how surprised I was for this as well. I didn't think that he'll continue giving me roses. I thought it was just a one-time thing.

"I love your playfulness. I love that I can be myself around you and joke without you getting all weird on me or taking them the wrong way. A lot of times when I tried to be myself with girls they'll throw me a weird look and leave me sitting there on my own trying to figure out what did I say that was so wrong. I love how you go along with them and don't make me look like a weirdo. -Axel"

I chuckle going to the next note.

"I love how you're not judgemental and aren't quick to jump to conclusions. A lot of people judge me from a couple of fights I got whilst drunk. And just by that, they classified me as a bad boy. They put me in this stereotypical box without actually knowing anything about me. Without even trying to get to know me. To them, I'm an asshole that has drinking problems and likes to punch people in the face. To me, I'm a regular guy that likes to drink a bit too much sometimes and it's happy to have finally moved in his own flat after working hard for it. To you, hopefully, I'm a sweet guy with some family issues and with a big heart that just doesn't know how to handle it. -Axel"

You do have a big heart Axel you just don't let anyone see or feel it that's the problem. He doesn't let people in easily which I can understand why but he doesn't even let them try. I think of his foster mother and how she wants to get close to him but she either just doesn't know how or Axel is not letting her. Going onto the 4th note, ah! This is one of my favourites.

"I love your eyes. I love how they have earthy tones. I love how they switch between being more green and more brown. The brown reminds me of a steaming hot cup of hot cocoa or the smell of cinnamon rolls. The green reminds me of the soft grass that tickles gently my legs or the stem of a beautiful rose. I love the gold flecks they have in them. Those flecks remind me of the calming glow the sun gives before letting the darkness take over and the warmth it's last sunray gives. I also love the fact that during sunset if you're at the beach you can see us two colliding. The flecks of gold into the blueish green. I love how even though we haven't touch each other in a sexual way our eyes seem to already know what spot to hit. -Axel"

You know for someone that hasn't ever been in love and didn't even know what love is or how it feels like up until now, he's doing a great job at it.

I'm not going to lie to myself about this. Axel is scoring some major points and to someone, this might not seem much but to me this is amazing. It's the small things in life that will make a big difference.

"I love your freckles and how they decorate your face. The small dots that don't have a particular shape or size seen as some are more oval others are more circular, other more big others more faint. The light sand colour freckles complimenting your skin tone. Scatter around from one cheekbone across your nose to the other and some on your forehead, so pretty. I also love the fact that you don't hide them. They're too beautiful to not be on the show. -Axel"

I used to be insecure about my freckles when I a kid. I didn't want them as I thought they were ugly. Seen as girls on social media and models all have perfectly clear airbrush skin but let's be honest now that's probably the magic of photoshop which I distaste. I don't like photoshopping pictures changing my face and body for some likes. Fuck em! If someone doesn't like you the way you are, then they ain't worth it. That's what my mum always used to tell me when I was growing up and I agree with her. Now I love my freckles. I think they're cute!

Going to reread the sixth one I hear the door unlocking warning me that Carter came back with takeout food. Shit! I quickly put the notes under the jar and now I know it's not the best hiding spot but he never touches decoration around our apartment and you know what some people say, hide in plain sight, so far it works.

Going into the living room I found Carter setting up the food on the table.

"I'll go grab us some plates, " I go into the kitchen grabbing two plates and utensils placing them on the coffee table side by side.

Taking a seat next to him on the couch I lean forward and give him a quick kiss.

"Tomorrow I organised something for us in the evening, " he says while piercing with his fork a piece of chicken.

"Where are we going?" I smile knowing that he's taking me out.

"I'm not going to tell you it's a surprise, " he smirks.

I bite my lip trying to think what could he have planned but I don't come up with anything.

It's our 3rd-year anniversary tomorrow and I'm excited to see what he has in store for me.

"Fine don't tell me just let me suffer, " he chuckles and shakes his head.

Placing a hand on my thigh he leans towards me.

"Patience baby. You're going to love it that's all I'm going to say to you. It's going to be relaxing and refreshing."

He leans and kisses me before pulling away.

"Well it sounds great so I have high hopes now. Hope that you'll reach them, " I chuckle.

"Oh, I will baby, " he says continue eating.

Once he's done eating I lean my head on his shoulder carefully changing position so I won't drop any of my food and continue eating as he wraps his hand around my waist.

He turns and leaves a kiss on my head making me feel fuzzy inside.

This is going to be more difficult than I expected.


What would you do if you were in Mia's shoes?

How would you choose which one you want to give a chance?

Are you a massive overthinker like her?

What do you think Carter has planned for them?

I hope you guys enjoy this chapter!

And maybe just maybe I'll post another chapter today or else I'll see you tomorrow.

Feel free to comment & vote! ❤️

Have a nice day/night! Xx

All the love - M ❤️

Axelजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें