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"Rosie what am I supposed to do? I think he likes me but am I ready for something like that," I said while stroking her fur. "I mean, what if he asks me out tonight? What would I say? He knows that I have life threatening problems to deal with so would he really ask me out if he knows the burden I'm carrying on my own?" I sigh.

"You think my big brother doesn't like you?" A little voice said. I snapped my head around to see Liliana at behind me. She comes and sits next to me and Rosie immediately moves onto her lap. She giggles as Rosie starts to lick her face. "I am an adventurous person but I've never actually been in this situation before so..." I say staring at my hands. Liliana grabs my hand which causes me to look up slightly at her.

"It seems my brother is crazy about you. Does he gives you warm hugs?" She asks. My face gives away eveything as it turns a bright red. "I'm gonna take that as a yes, he wants to know how you feel too."
"I'm like him but with my situation," I begin and she stops me.
"Which is?"
"I have a younger brother has a lifelong illness as well as a mother who wants me and him dead. Our dad was killed by her because she was drunk and the police never found out."

Liliana sits there stunned and that's when I realised I shouldn't have told a little girl my problems but then again, she asked for it. She shakes her head like she was in a trance and says. "I agree with you but if you really like him, nothing else should matter?" She says which causes me to think. "You need to think about this." She says before getting up on her little feet.

I give her a big hug and thank her for her advice and decide I'm gonna think about this for a while.


Madison goes off to sit with her dog and I feel like she needs a moment and to be honest, so do I. I go downstairs to find Aiden in the same position I left him. "What am I gonna do man?" I groan while getting a cup of water. "What do mean?" He smirks. I give him a glare, "Now ain't the time Aiden, but seriously, I like this girl and I've given her so many signs that I want to start something and when we're together, you can tell she loves it but she said that she can't be in a relationship with me and I feel like she doesn't want what we obviously have." I pant.

Aiden looks at me with one eyebrow raised. "Lemme get this straight, you know this girl has shit going on that will affect the rest of her life; she has to look after her younger brother by herself with her mom running loose threatening to kill them both and the father is off the grid and you want her to step into a relationship with you just like that? Is that what's going on here?" Aiden asked.

When he puts it like that, I sound like the biggest jerk ever to set foot on the earth. I look down, ashamed of how I've been acting. "I know you want to get with her but you both have to be ready for a relationship to work. Before you confess anything, stop fucking around with her and make sure she's ready before you make a move otherwise you'll lose her as a potential girlfriend and a friend."
I nod and head upstairs to find Madison lying on the floor where I left her with her arms wrapped around a sleeping Rosie.

I pick her up in my arms and carry her to my bedroom. I put her on my bed and slowly took Rosie out of her hands and rested her on Roxy's old bed. She started moving around. I calmed her down and climbed into bed and fell asleep in bed with the girl of my dreams.


"Please....No! Leave him alone. Stop!" I hear her whisper. I sit up and shake her but she's not waking up. She's having a nightmare. I try to whisper in her ear soothing words to calm down but she sits up. I think she's awake but her eyes are still closed. Aiden wakes up and sees what's going on from his bed and stares wide eyed. "What's wrong with her?" He asked getting out of bed. "I dunno man, she's still asleep."

I try to give her a hug but she pushes me off her and slaps me hard across the cheek. "Leave me alone! You're not going to kill me!" She yells and that's when I realised. She thinks I'm her mom. Aiden runs into the bathroom and comes back with water. He hands me the glass and I splash it on her face and she wakes up soaked. Madison is sitting in my wet bed with her arms folded and angry as hell.

"Why am I soaking wet?!" She yells.
"You were screaming and attacking me like I was your mom." I said calmly. "You slapped him across the face." Aiden adds.
Silence filled the room. Liliana appears at the door. "Why is everyone screaming?" She asks.

I look back at Madison and her face us brimming with tears. "I'm sorry." She says as she taps Rosie, who sits up and immediately runs out of the room, and her clothes and heels and runs out of the room to follow her. I grab her by the hand and she drops everything. "I'm can't stay with you," She says while tears are pouring down her face. "I'm a danger to you and your family! Please let me go"

"You can't go outside! You have to stay here! Why do you always put the load on yourself? There're people that can help you get over her problem but your not accepting anyone's help. How do expect anything to get fucking better if you don't do something about it?!" I shouted.

Silence filled the room.

"I don't give a fuck about my mom. She can come and kill me if she wants! I don't deserve to live and you don't deserve to deal with me. Forget about everything!" She screams before tugging off my hand and running out of the room with her stuff. The door slams and it echoes through the house.

"You really fucked up." Liliana says before walking out the room. I would've called her out on her language, but she's right. I've fucked up everything. I let my anger get in the way of someone I truly cared for. Despite the fact that she can't accept help, I shouldn't have yelled at her about it. She's broken enough.

"That was some shitty behaviour." Aiden says before walking out the room as well, leaving me on my own.


I run out of the house with Rosie and my stuff and I have no clue where I'm going. "Madison!" I hear Aiden yell. I turn around and walk up the steps to him. "I wanted to
apologise for-" He starts before I cut him off. "Don't apologise for him. It's my fault. It always is." I say as I bend down to clip Rosie onto her leash.

He gives me my phone and says, "Call a taxi to take you to a friend's house. I'm apologising for myself, not him which by the way, my advice, he's probably gonna try and apologise to you at school. Don't give him the time of day and give it about 2 weeks before you decide to listen to him. He's gonna need that much time to heal again." He says.

I give him a confused look. "What do you mean by heal again?" I ask. "You're not the only one with problems, Madison." He says before turning around and walks back into the house.

The taxi pulls up in front of me and I get in and give the man the directions to Mia's place.
We pull up at her house and I pay the man before getting out with Rosie and Mia is standing at her door on the front porch. I run over to her and she gives me a hug while I cry into her top.

After a few minutes, she releases and says "Let's go inside." I nod and we follow her inside.


Noah and Madison hit a very big rock in the road and will take a while for them to get back on track again but this isn't the the only one they're gonna hit.

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