Delusional Resident is Fixated on Me

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Okay, let's start from the beginning, shall we?

I work in the leasing office at a property in Texas. I also live onsite. We have about 400 apartments and take up two sides of a street. I live across the street in the very back and try to keep to myself. I do not like for residents to know that I live there. About two months in, a women and her two grown sons lease an apartment with us. The sons are twins, one is special needs, the other is...well...different. He has a very active imagination and is very focused on sex. Almost immediately after they moved in, things started getting weird.

The first encounter: One day, I was crossing the street after work to go home. As soon as I reached the other sidewalk, I hear a voice call out "Ay yo Raquel!". I turned towards the voice, which I realized was coming from the bus stop at the end of the street. I didn't recognize who it was until I got a little closer. "Who the fuck is that?" I think to myself. We meet face to face and I realize who it is from when he moved in. I knew he was a little weird so I was trying to keep my distance while still being polite. He's easy to piss off and I do not know what he is capable of, but I don't want to make him think that there is anything behind the polite 'hello'.

He starts telling me that I look just like his "baby-mama" who lives in north Texas. Then jumps to a different subject about how he had just "ran all the way from down town to here". Then decides to tell me his entire family history, naming all of his cousins and homeboys, rambling on and on about, essentially, nothing. I haven't said anything other than "oh" "uh-huh" and "okay".

I keep taking steps backwards to indicate that I'm trying to leave, but he keeps talking and moving closer to me. As I'm trying to leave, I notice that he has a huge boner. He was wearing basketball shorts (as always) so it is pretty difficult to hide. This creeps me the fuck out and I, somehow, manage to get away from him.

He sat at the bus stop staring at me as I walked away and I didn't want him to know that I lived there, so I just kept walking down the street to make it look like I lived elsewhere.

Every now and then I would see him around the property or he would come to the office and talk at me and it was very uncomfortable. The leasing office had a hallway leading to the managers office, the copier, and the package room. There was a door on it too, which came in handy quite a bit.

His visits got to the point where, every time I saw him walking up to the office, I would run and hide in the back and let the other staff deal with him. He wasn't creepy towards them and they knew the situation, so it was cool.

Cut to December: Our office was being remodeled so we were using our business center as a temporary work space. It is only one room, there is only one way in or out and no place to hide. I was alone in the office one day and who should come waking in but my worst nightmare. He needed to borrow our copy of his mail key because he misplaced his, or didn't have one, or whatever. We have to take an ID in order to release keys, and he didn't have his, so he had to go to his apartment, get the ID and come back. In the time that he was gone, I set up my phone on my coworkers desk and started recording video in case any crazy shit happened, so I would have the evidence.

He noticed the tattoo on my shoulder and commented on it asking: "is that your name or...?" Why in the hell would I have my own name tattooed on myself?? I tell him that it is my grandmother's name, which sends him into this whole spiel about how he has his grandmother tattooed on him and he is an artist and he draws people's faces.

He leaves to go check his mail, then returns a few minutes later. However, when he returns, he has added something to his ensemble. He now has a pencil behind his ear. I suppose to make him look like more of an "artist". Then he said he was going to draw my face, but I have to send him a picture so he can "look at the image of me". He said he would draw me and bring the picture to the office later that week.

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