The Creepy Neighbor

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Five years ago, I lived in an small apartment that I loved so much. I was a 22 years old girl, living alone and starting with my grown up life. I worked in a newspaper and I was very happy.

One weekend, a friend from another town came to visit. After having some food we went to my place, he parked his van in the open garage, and I went to my house while he took all his stuff from the van. I was in the living room, waiting for him when I heard screams, I rushed out to see what was happening and I saw my neighbor, with a metal tube running behind my friend. When the neighbor saw me he stopped and my friend rushed to my apartment. I asked him what happened and he said that this guy came out of the blue with the tube to chase him. I should tell you here, that this neighbor was the brother of my landlord. We thought that he must be drunk and thought my friend was a burglar or something. Nothing more happened in that weekend.

Some months later, another friend came to pick me up, when we were taking his car out of the garage, the same neighbor came out of his house, running, and kicked the car very hard. My friend stepped out of the car and asked what was all that about, the neighbor was really, really angry, he was a big, tall, strong dude and approached my friend in a very aggressive way. I stepped out of the car and, with all the adrenaline, I made this nonsense that was stepping in the middle of them. "What's your problem?" I asked, and the guy calmed down a little, my friend told me to get back in the car and I did, he did the same.

We were overwhelmed with all the thing. When we got back to my home, he was outside the garage, hanging out with his brother (the landlord). I asked my landlord if we can have a world with him and we told him what his brother has done. My landlord was very ashamed and asked his brother to come and clear things up with us. I talked to this sicko and he told me that he went mad because my friend drove the car too fast in the garage and he mess out some rocks of the ground. I told him that everything that bothers him from my visits in the future should be arranged with me, talking like people. He apologized and agreed.

Everything went normal until that December. Saturday 18th I was with a very bad flu and feeling terrible so I took this super strong medicine that knocked me out. I fall asleep early and didn't wake up until next morning. When I woke up, I looked for my cellphone in my night table and didn't find it there. I thought I left it in the living room, so I looked for a small laptop that I had in a drawer next to my bed: nothing. Then I went to my living room and noticed that all the windows were opened and everything was messy. My other computer (the one that I used for personal things) was also missing and my camera too. I ran to a friend house who lived near my home and ask her for her phone, then I called my parents (not so grown up, you see) and the police. The police in my country sucks, so there was nothing they could do.

My parents told me that, if I was feeling insecure, they will gladly lend me some money for pay the deposit of a new place. I really loved my house so I told them that it wasn't necessary. On Monday I reinforced the windows and change the lock of the door. I wasn't really nervous because I lived in a small town full of students and the burglaries were more or less common in the late December when everyone was out of town with their family. Bad luck, I thought and keep going.

The night of December 23th everything was calm and quiet when I went back from work, I opened the main door of the building and the first thing I saw is the sicko neighbor. I walked fast trying to avoid him but then, he called me by my name (I had never told him my name) and ran by my side. He started to ask some strange questions and talk nonsense, he asked me if I would ever paint a picture of his dog smoking weed or if I remembered what was I wearing when I came to see the apartment for the first time. Then he told me something that really chilled my bones: "You look more like your mother than like your father".

Click! This was the guy who entered my apartment, he has been looking at my pictures and my stuff, he knows everything about me. I freaked out and rushed to the stairs, but he grabbed my arm and pulled me to a corner. In that moment, thank god, we heard the sound of a car parking in the garage, he released me and I run as fast as I can to my apartment. I locked myself in, called the police, but again nothing (it seems that this guy needed to do something visible to me for the police to take action). So I grabbed a hammer and a knife and didn't sleep at all during the night. The next morning I did two things: asked a friend if I could stay with her that week and called my parents and tell them that I would take the money and look for other place to live. Wednesday next week I was moving into my new house. You creepy sicko neighbor, let's never ever meet again.

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