The Suicide

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To begin, I lived with my single mom in a small duplex on the wrong side of town. I was probably 12 and she was probably 34, but she was a complete party animal. I mean she was always partying. Whether it was drinking herself into an early grave or shacking up with the next guy to pay bills, she was always up to something and it made my life hell.

Anyway she came home one day and introduced me to some guy. We can call him Andy just to remain anonymous. Anyway she gave me the usual spiel about how he was gonna be my new daddy and blah blah blah we are going to live with him. I was shocked. I had never even heard of Andy and we were moving in with him?!

I was confused. I asked my mom why in the hell we were moving in with him and she just said she loved him and it was gonna happen. She said they had been dating for 2 months and he was " the one". So Mom packed our stuff, and we moved away.

At first it wasnt so bad. He lived in an old duplex he had bought and was remodeling and I had an entire part of it to myself. He had a massive movie collection and I just basically watched movies all day and did dishes for pizza at the gas station next door.

A few months later I started school, and that's when everything started changing. It was a very small town and everyone instantly hated me. I was picked on mercilessly and the kids were pretty violent. I had never had a problem at any other school before but for some reason I was relentlessly totured by everyone. I started to think it was just because I was an outsider, until after school one day some kids started telling me my house was haunted. They said a girl killed herself in there and I was a freak if I lived there. I had no idea what was going on

I rode my bike home and asked my mom why the kids would say that. She told me that Andy's last girlfriend was crazy and shot herself in the duplex I stayed in. She lived though, and was in a mental institution for treatment and she didnt tell me because she knew I was already unhappy moving in with ANOTHER guy.

It was at this point I started to notice Andy was...... off. He was very enotionally abusive. He constantly made fun of my ability to do anything, and would push me out of the way and throw his weight around like it was a game. I thought he was trying to mold me. Trying to make me into a man, but I guess once he found out I knew about his last gal pal he started treating my mom the same way.

My mom worked at a restaraunt 30 minutes away from the house and he owned a scrap metal shop. She started to notice he would always be hanging around outside and harrassing her coworkers. One day one of the girls she worked with had a complete mental breakdown and tried to climb into an already preheated oven and kill herself. When my mom went to visit her she told her it was her fault and never to speak to her again.

My mom got freaked out. She decided to visit the ex girlfriend to see if Andy had been like this before, or find out what had happened. When she got into the room with her the girl told her to go home. My mom thought she meant leave the hospital. The girl said " No. Leave him, and do it very quickly."

My mother panicked. She ran home and called my uncles to pick us up. We stayed the night with them and the next day at around 3pm they called her to set up a time to get the rest of her stuff. She told them to forget the stuff and just come get her now. She was hiding in bushes on a dirt road.

My uncles found her and what she revealed to us was terrifying. She had went to the metal shop at Andy's request to "talk". The place was empty and when she arrived he asked her to stay. She said no, so he shoved her into his office room and drilled screws into the door to keep it shut. He yelled at her for hours, and after 2 straight hours of verbal abuse he slid a gun under the door and told her if she wouldn't be with him then she needed to kill herself. He said no one would miss a whore, and that I didn't love her. She said she was close it was scary, but she snapped out of it and kicked out the windows. She had cuts all over herself from crawling out.

When she called the police they said they couldnt prove anything, and it turned out it was the same cop to investigate the last shooting. She tried online dating a few years after that and met a guy named Cole. After 2 weeks of talking Cole sent a message that said " It took me forever to find you." Mom thought that was sweet, until Cole revealed himself...... to be Andy. She was so scared we had to move from where we were living. Hand to God true story.

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