I Don't Trust Uber Anymore

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This happened about a year ago. I was visiting friends in the city, about an hour train ride from where I lived. It was getting late and the last train was going to leave in less than an hour. My friends lived about 10 minutes away from the train station by car so I let them know I'd need a ride soon. My friend who offered to drive me earlier that day was too drunk so he ordered an uber to come get me. Normally I would just stay the night but I was pregnant in my first trimester and I just needed the comfort of my boyfriends bed. We had some time so as he's ordering the first one, he sees the picture of the driver and cancels it because the man looked "creepy." The second one didn't look much better but at least he seemed less creepy than the first (the irony is ridic)

He arrives shortly after. I get in the car and he says my friends name who is a man and I tell him he just paid for it but that he has the right person. He asks my name and if my friend is my boyfriend. I tell him my first name and that no, my friend isn't my boyfriend. He compliments me and I thank him and try to put in a headphone but he continues to talk to me about how I deserve a boyfriend (or something along those lines).

Now I must say I know the city very well. I've lived there before and I spent a lot of time there. I know exactly how to get to the train station and I always know the best route based on the time. It's pretty late on a weekday so there wasnt any traffic and pretty much any way he took in the right direction would get me there.

He puts the directions in his gps that's propped up on his dash. It tells him to make a left at the next street---Which is what you'd have to do to get there since it's a dead end.

We start moving and he suddenly asks if "cops hang out here." I feel uncomfortable but I figure he just wants to speed a little so I say "not really." And he suddenly takes a right into a narrow alley before the left ahead. His gps is telling him to turn around but he's still heading in the opposite direction so I tell him this isn't the right way and he suddenly starts listening to his gps like it was just a mistake. So he says "I'll get you there if you don't mind me speeding" I'm thinking what the fuck ever just get me to my train so I say "sure" and he immediately slams his foot onto the pedal and reaches 50/60 mph before slamming on his brakes at the stop sign ahead (its the residential part of the city so the speed limit wouldn't have been anything over 25 mph with stop signs every block). He continues to do this while following the directions for 2 blocks when he blantly ignores the gps and starts to head in the opposite direction again.

At this point I'm fully aware he doesn't intend to take me to my train and I'm texting my friends telling them the situation. They tell me to come back (it had been almost 10 minutes and we had just gone in circles) but I'm in desperate need of my comfort so I try again and say "I'm going to be late for my train this isn't the right way." He tells me I won't be late for my train even though he has no idea when it's coming.

We go through a light and there's a new camaro behind us (riding his ass because that's just how people drive around here) and he starts asking why the cops are following him. I didn't say anything but he keeps asking me and gets louder and louder every time I don't answer in between him mumbling to himself. Eventually the "cop car" turns, he calms down and I notice the time. 15 minutes passed at this point and I wasn't even a mile away from my friends house and I'm definitely not going to make this train. I tell him to take me back but he insists that I'll make my train. I was fed up and got pissy with him about the time and told him he had to take me back.

He finally obliged but only after slowing down (almost coming to a complete stop in an intersection) next to a bus stop where a girl was standing by herself.

He probably noticed my phone buzzing and lighting up so he finally, calmly took me back (down the street) to my friends' house. My friends were standing at the door when I got out of the car so I walked up to the door when I looked back to see him stopped in his car down the street talking to a hooded person standing on the sidewalk.

My guess is he probably thought I was a tourist (I had a giant backpack and a little bag with me from night before) and he could take advantage of me so I reported it to uber and the local uber drivers page in the city hoping this will never happen to anyone.

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