Let's Just Go For A Ride

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Okay so this encounter happened back in 2009. I was 17 years old and in year 11 at high school. It was a week night and I had just left my then-boyfriend's house, probably around 6pm, to catch the train home. I caught buses and trains EVERYWHERE, so I had the pleasure of bumping into a lot of 'quirky' people quite often, but this night was different.

I was waiting at the train station, it was still somewhat light out, and I was the only person on the platform at that point. Because around that time of day was still considered 'peak-hour', I usually didn't have to wait long for my train, but on this faithful day, it had been delayed.

I was sitting halfway down the platform on a bench, and about 10-15 metres away, a man joined me in waiting for the train. He had a phone to his ear and was quietly talking to someone. Obviously, I thought nothing of it. A few minutes passed, and I noticed the man had hung up his phone, and was slowly edging closer to where I was sitting, shooting me quick glances. Now, I suffer from fairly terrible anxiety, so I immediately start feeling a little nervous. I watch his movements out of the corner of my eye; he's a tall, muscular looking man, probably in his mid to late 20's.

Sure enough, he's eventually made his way over to my bench, but doesn't sit down. After a few minutes of silence, he says "hey" and I look over at him, pretending that I didn't just watch him slowly walk over to me, and say hi back.

"Where are you going tonight?" He asks, barely making eye-contact with me.

"Um, just going home."

He's silent for a while. I was praying he'd just walk away, but then, out of nowhere, begins telling me how 'sexy' I look. Now, I remember at the time, not getting scared at how abrupt and inappropriate his comment was, but laughing instead. I was tired, wearing no makeup, hair in a messy ass bun and I was wearing one of my boyfriend's giant jumpers. I looked like a big, ugly ball and I seriously thought this guy was kidding around. But, he looked unimpressed, almost angry when I laughed. Uncomfortable again, I just murmured 'thanks' and kept my head down, scrolling aimlessly through my phone.

He then asks me how old I am. I tell him 17 (underage), but that definitely doesn't deter him. "You should come with me." He says, and I immediately begin to panic all over again. But, because back then I was way too polite, and never wanted to hurt anyone's feelings, instead of telling this guy to leave me the fuck alone, I start making up shitty excuses why I needed to get home as soon as possible- "I have family coming for dinner", "I have sooo much homework". "I'm not feeling very well". He looks annoyed, but ignores everything I've just said and tells me there's a party tonight, and he wants to take me.

Without even thinking, I blurt out, "What the hell, you don't even know my name".

He suddenly sits down next to me, his face serious. He tells me his car is in the parking lot about 100 metres away, and we should just go now. "It'll be fun, there's drinks and music, and I'll buy you some new clothes before we go anywhere." By this point my heart is beating out of my chest and I just want him to leave. Other people are arriving at the station now and I'm looking around at them desperately, trying to get someone's attention because I'm too scared to get up and move.

I don't want him to see I'm scared, so I continue to smile saying "I'm really sorry, but I have a boyfriend and I gotta get home."

"You'll forget about him."

Then I see it. The most wonderful thing I've ever seen: my train was approaching the station. I was so close to getting away from this guy. But of course he saw it too. I began to gather my things and stand up and he grabbed my arm, pulling me back on to the seat. "Let's just go for a drive."

I got to my feet again and tried pulling my arm away from him, but he held on. I thought to myself, surely people are watching this right? Someone will come and help me any moment now. But no one did. People could see me trying to get away from this man, but were acting completely oblivious to it.

The train rolled up to the platform and people began to exit as I was trying to pull out of the guy's grasp. He suddenly let go and without missing a beat, I high-tailed it into the train carriage just before the door closed, breathing uncontrollably. People in the train are staring at me wide-eyed, no one asking me if I was okay or needed help.

I looked out the train window and the guy is staring in the window at me, his phone now back up to his ear. As the train slowly pulls away from the station, he begins walking back down the platform and I'm guessing towards his car.

At the time, I was just freaked out that a strange man had been so physically forceful with me, but 7 years down the track I'm fully aware of how dangerous a situation that could have been. I know he clearly wasn't waiting for the train and I don't want to know who he'd been on the phone to. Ever since then, I swore to myself that if I ever saw someone visibly uncomfortable or scared in public, I wouldn't turn and blind eye to it like those people did to me.

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