Crazy Neighbor

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A little back story, I am a 16 year old boy but when this happened i was 13/14. So it was June and i wake up to someone knocking on the front door. Confused i get up and go see who is knocking. I open the door and a man in his late 50's early 60's is standing there with his wife and twin daughters who were 10. I call for my mom and go back to my room. Later my mom tells me they are the new neighbors. I don't really care. So life goes on with them as our neighbors and i notice that The man ( we will call Jeff) has been really passive aggressive with me. This i don't care much about.

So a month passes and my birthday is in 3 days. I'm excited and i get to have my best friends over. Back then My friends and I were really into playing in the woods. There is a small path of woods next to my house and i decided i would clear out a spot so we can play. We knew the owner of the land and he said it was ok to play there.While I'm picking up some sticks i here someone yelling. i notice Jeff at his front door yelling at me. He yells, " GET THE FUCK MY PROPERTY"( I live on acul de sac so i live on one side and he lives on the other and there is a patch of woods between our houses.) I was so confused because he didn't own the land i was on.

I decided to ignore him and continue to work. Then HE WALKS OVER TO ME AND GRAB MY ARM AND DRAGS ME TO MY FRONT DOOR!! He started yelling at me and my parents. It ended with my parents calling the police. I remember nothing happening but he kept saying that i was on his property. I never was. fast forward and it's now my birthday and my friends are over. We are in the woods and we play. While we were playing we heard bushes start to rustle. We point our flash lights toward the bushes and what we saw still creeps me out.There in the bush was Jeff. Right as we notice him he runs back to his house and we do the same. i rush to my parents who call the police. Nothing happened though because he didn't do anything. We go to bed and thats was the last thing to happen for the rest of the summer.

It's now August and school just started. Now Jeff has twin daughters who were friends with my sister.( all three were in the same class and grade). I saw them a lot. At first they seemed like good kids. One Saturday afternoon and i hear the twins playing when i hear a window downstairs break. i come downstairs and the window on the front door is shattered. my mom sees it and i tell her that it was ( we will call my sister kate) Kate and the twins. As i say this i hear kate upstairs yelling, What happened?". I go outside and see the twins hiding behind one of the bushes in the front yard. i ask them if they broke the window and they aid it was them. i tell them to go home and tell my mom.

She goes to tell jeff and before my mom can finish he screams at her saying that his perfect angles wouldn't do that. My mom comes back and goes in her room. I don't know what happened but we just got the window repaired and that was that. Over the next 2 weeks i notice that things are being moved around in our garage and front yard. I thought it was just my siblings or parents until walk in the garage and see the twins moving my brothers bike. I yell at them and they go home crying. Apparently they have been doing it the whole time and i was pissed. I tell my mom and she once again calls the police. They say to just lock the door. The next day i went to my friend's house and while i was gone Jeff came over and started yelling at my parents saying that i attacked his twins. i didn't. My parents never told me all of what he said but apparently he threatened to kill me.

Great so I'm terrified of being home alone because i thought he would kill me. so now its the day before Christmas eve and I'm outside playing on my phone and the twins come out of nowhere and Grab my phone and run. i chase them but they run in their house and i knock on the door and jeff answers. I tell him that his twins have my phone. I was so scared but i wanted my phone. He goes and gets it, AND THROWS IT ON THE GROUND SHATTERING IT. I SCREAM AT HIM and he pushed me down and said to get off his property. I call the police and he says that i tried to rape his daughters and i was brought in for questioning and after awhile they let me go because i never tried to rape the girls. I get home and i cry. i was so mad at him and scared. i didn't go outside the rest of winter break.

So lets talk about his last month in my town. Its now May and school busted finished. I was in my room and i here the twins and kate playing. Then i hear Kate crying extremely loud. I tell my dad and we go outside to see kate crying on then ground with a gash in her head and a bloody rock on the ground. My dad goes to help her and it turns out that the twins hit my sister with a rock. I start yelling at the twins and Jeff and his wife come out. I tell the wife what happened and she started freaking out. She had to have said sorry 4 times while trying to get the twins when Jeff says that kate probably attack the twins and the pissed off my dad so much. My dad punched Jeff and it knocked him out. My mom calms down my dad and he takes kate to the hospital and i help jeff in because his wife asked and she had always been nice. Once I'm done with that i go home and the police are called. No one presses charges and Jeff and his family leave two weeks later.

So yea. Thats my story about my crazy neighbor. So Jeff and your twins, Lets not meet again.

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