The Story of My Ex-Fiancee

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This is going to be long, as it is a long story that takes place over several years. I'm 23 years old right now. When I met the subject of this story I was 15 so we're talking about eight years. Get comfortable. Here comes an overdose of backstory before we get to the "good" parts.

Let's go back to September of 2010. My third period class in high school was Algebra II. This is where I met "John." John was a sophomore so only about a year older than me. At first glance, I thought he was quite cute. I was already in a relationship (my first ever one) but it was quite rocky and doomed to collapse.

I had a close friend named "Bethany" who one day came up to me and told me that John was interested in me and wanted to get to know me. Bethany and John were acquaintances and thought at first she was trying to hook us up. My relationship with my first boyfriend ended only a couple of days before and it seemed like the timing was on point.

Anyway, the very next day, during Algebra class, John came up to me and sat down beside me when we were told to work on an assignment. John introduced himself and wasted no time in asking if I wanted to hang out with him after school.

It was a Friday, which meant that there was a high school football game after school in the evening. I assumed he wanted me to stay with him until then or also during the game and then afterwards. I immediately agreed to, much to his surprise and Bethany's, they would later admit. I'm not sure why I was immediately able to say yes, but looking back I was quite lonely and rather upset after my first breakup and wanted a boy in my life.

I texted my mom, telling her that I was going to stay after school to work on a project and then stay for the football game with Bethany and her friends. My mom agreed and told me she'll pick me up afterwards. I spent the rest of the day rather anxious and when the final bell rang, I met up with John near the band room.

The following couple of hours were amazing. We worked on schoolwork together, talked about our interests, hobbies and the works. I was surprised to find that we had quite a bit in common; we both liked the same books, movies, music and we both loved to be outside. He did a lot of flirting that afternoon and evening as well, which, I must admit, was very flattering and gave me butterflies.

We went outside on a walk around the area after we finished up our schoolwork. He was very poetic in the way he described and admired things like the trees, the air, the sky... I had never heard a boy say things like this before with such a poetic elegance and it was beautiful. He was a beautiful boy, inside and out.

He was also very intelligent and had a vocabulary that dwarfed even my own and the other smart kids in our school. He told very clever and funny jokes and when we had a discussion, was easily able to intelligently explain and describe things in ways that I didn't even know were possible.

Needless to say I was falling for him. During the football game we walked around and talked about our families and friends for the first time. John wasn't really open to talking about his family and he told me he didn't have any real friends, only acquaintances. He told me that no one really liked him, not even his family. I felt bad for him. If there was anything that I learned that afternoon I spent with him is that he was extremely likable. I could never imagine somebody not being able to like John.

After the football game, he finally asked for my cell number and I gave it to him. Before finally parting ways, he gave me a hug and thanked me for spending the day with him before his mom finally arrived to pick him up.

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