No Compliment Goes Unnoticed

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So i'll set the scene first i guess, I'm a guy and I was 15 at the time going to a shady school in Manchester (it's not a friendly city) and at lunch me and my friends would go to this office in the school, where the teachers would leave us be as long as we didn't trash the place. Somehow over the years we had managed to make it pretty exclusive getting teachers to remove the dickheads if you will.

But certain people like new starters, or foreign kids we always allowed in. There was this ginger polish girl called Mya that started there and had been getting some shit as I'm sure you could imagine (a new ginger polish girl in a UK school). she was an easy target for nasty little kids, now let me get this straight i'm not mentioning this to build a kind of sympathy for her. I am mentioning it because i think this may have been a catalyst of sorts.

Either way one lunch she was sat at the computer next to where we used to play cards. She looked kinda down, while we were playing she was pouting like when someones trying to signal you to ask them if they're alright ya'know? So i asked if she was alright and she said the kids were being horrible calling her ugly ect.

This is where it started. ok so when a girl says she being called ugly and shit, what as a bloke is the first thing you say? for any guy (almost) the first thing out of your mouth is "don't be daft you're well fit!" She was two years below me so i was pretty sure it would fall upon deaf ears. DID IT FUCK

For the next month or so i can't honestly say i never noticed her at all, i'm not even sure when she started following me. But i can remember exactly when i noticed, apparently she used to get the same bus home as me ( well it was 2 buses) and i never even knew she was there. not at school, not on the bus, lets say she was socially invisible. the only reason i noticed is when i was walking into my driveway and my bag strap snapped, so i turned around to pick up my shit and i noticed she walking by just staring....

At first i thought nothing of it, i mean i'm not the best looking guy, I'm tall and skinny (we call it lanky in the UK) so the idea of being followed never even once crossed my mind. but I had noticed her and from then on she was every where. at first i'm not gonna lie it gave me a big confidence boost to have a stalker per say, but oh boy! let me tell you that wore off RRREEEEEAAAAAALLLLL quick.

At first i didn't say anything to anyone, i mean she's only 13, she posses no threat to me physically. What's there to worry about eh? but until it happens to you, you won't understand the sense of tension you get when you're around that person until it happens to you.

(OK so a quick detour before the comments is set a blaze with daft shit, NO i was not about to fuck a 13 year old. and regardless of gender being stalked is horrible)

Everyday i would get the bus back she's there, well i guess she was always there but it WAS NOT THE SAME. she was always watching and when i'd look over at here she'd quickly look away, she always got off at the same street as me so i thought she lived close by. Nah did she fuck

So one day i act as i normally do walked down my drive slyly keeping and eye on her to walk past and then followed her, she only started getting off at my stop after i had made that single comment. well at least to my knowledge as i said she kinda she just disappeared into the background, I followed her mainly to know where my enemy was. I was legit walking for about 45 minutes pretty much exactly back up the bus route towards school, and watched her walk into her house. This is when i first had that real dirty feeling you get as i realized she walked almost and extra hour a day everyday just to watch me walk into my house, she stayed on the bus to creep on me.

I mean this chick was everywhere, she was on me like white on rice. outside of school wasn't so bad coz i could just ditch her. but after a few months of the conjoined twin treatment and she started to get brave and chatty with my friends (who all thought this was hilarious by the way and were always taking the piss) i didn't for a second entertain this and was quite frankly getting mad at my mates for putting me in this situation again and again.


oh but that wasn't just it, but we'll get to that.

So the months go by my mates are taking the piss, the longer she stalks the more she learns about my hangouts and such is appearing a lot more. Now at this moment a few things were happening at the same time, ill try describing it to the best of my ability so bear with me. but my friend thought it'd be a good idea to trying to start to get with this girl as she was always chatting to them to get close, i can't say for sure but i'm almost certain he was fucking her. which just made this all the more fucked up, a new polish girl had also started in school and oh my god she was the most beautiful girl i had ever seen.

After a few weeks i plucked up the courage to ask her out and to my surprise she said fucking yes! GET IN, this would be short lived because i had no idea at the time Karolina was actually good friends with Mya, and as soon Mya found out she went around the school telling everyone who would listen and of course karolina blamed me for telling everyone and cut that short. i have no idea what was running through mya's head when she found out but her little plan had worked and had pushed me to breaking point.

I had to deal with this, I mean I thought this was getting better as the focus had seemed to be off me while she was fucking my friend, what a prick he is btw. But apparently not, i ended up caving and inviting her into my house so i could get to the bottom of this. which in hindsight might not have been a good idea.

So i invited her round while everyone is out, now i can't remember the entire conversation but she knew where all the rooms were and what they looked like, i remember the fucking chills as she told me about my house. i eventually asked her why she had ruined my very short relationship with Karolina and she scowled horribly at the name and just replied " you're mine, you always will be" i blew my top shouting at her threatening to kick her head in if she didn't leave me alone, but she seemed to enjoy me shaking and shouting at her.

now at this point she'd been following me and shit for about a year and a half i didn't have long left in school but she knew where i lived, my hangouts, she had even managed to get REAL close to my friend.

The straw that broke the camels back was that she had been coming round when i wasn't there getting real friendly with my mum, my mum's bi-polar and manic depressive. some days she can barely get out of bed never mind out of the house. i have no idea why this was never mentioned but she had eventually told my mum she was my girlfriend and she was sorry for lying to my mum.

Well my mum fucking freaked, she was only 14 at this time and i was about to turn 17 so my mum thinking i'm shagging this 14 year old girl went of the deep end. I think the verbal beat-down my mum gave her is what made her stop but fucking hell, did i get it in the neck that night.

After trying to explain that she had been stalking me for almost the last 2 years trying to get close, i found out that mya had been coming round for MONTHS and told my mum we just happened to go to the same school to get friendly.

I don't know why the abuse my mum had give her made her stop stalking me (my mum is pretty fucking nasty when she gets going) but I only had a few weeks left in school and she wasn't following me, I dread to think what could have been if she had sunk her claws any deeper into my life.

I know this isn't as terrifying as I'd like tbh, but reading all these made me remember that feeling of dread in this situation. I'm sorry for this long post didn't realize how long this would take to explain.

So creepy polish girl, lets NOT meet again!

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