Red Truck

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So this all took place over a year ago, and only got resolved last October. I'm only now just feeling comfortable to look back and recount what happened.

So I live by myself on a street that's very isolated from the rest of the city. It was definitely not a busy street, and seeing any vehicles drive by after 9pm was pretty uncommon. It's awesome to be able to afford this house since I'm renting it from my relatives who offered it to me at a great discount and knew I wanted a place of my own.

It was late May 2015. I remember that because it was not long after I had picked up Moon Chronicles for the 3DS and was playing it quite frequently. One night, as I was playing it in the living room, I started to hear noises coming from the side of the house. It was strange enough to make me stop my game and listen.

It sounded like something brushing up on the walls and moving itself back and forth. My initial self explanation for this was it was just the house making weird sounds and nothing more. The sounds continued for a solid thirty minutes then stopped. This settled me until I immediately heard something else. The sound of a vehicle starting up and driving away. I didn't get the chance to see what it was, but I'm convinced it's connected with these later events.

A little over week later, I have a friend over to watch a television show with me since we both were fans of it and frequently went to each others' places to watch together. The episode was near it's end and had entered the final commercial break. As I went to the kitchen to get more food, my friend asked me to come to the front window.

As I did, he asked me about a red truck that was parked on the street in front of my property and if it belonged to someone I knew. I had never seen it before and just figured it belonged to a neighbor, who for whatever reason, didn't park in front of their own house. I immediately brushed it aside and went back to the kitchen. But as I did, I saw a figure moving away from my kitchen window.

Startled, I yelled out to my friend about what I just saw and to come in quick. As he did and I'm trying to rationalize I just saw, we heard the truck start up and then drive away from view. At this point, I knew deep down the figure I saw had to own that red truck. I kicked myself for not getting the front window faster to get a better look of the perp. My friend immediately suggested I call the police, but I knew it was pointless. I only saw a red truck and a figure at my windows. I didn't have a physical description of anykind and I didn't get his license plate number. We eventually settled down and called it a night.

A few months later, September, and I had just got home from a shift at the sign shop that my father owned. It was walking distance so I just to and from work by foot. Save money, live better, right? I wasn't even inside the house yet when I noticed the red truck parked in front of my house. I was convinced it was the same one as before. I wanted to get the license plate numbers, but my phone was long dead. From what I could see, there didn't look to be anyone in the truck. So I figured to run inside, get paper and pen, then come back.

As I do just that and head back out towards the back of the truck, it immediately starts up and speeds away, which scared me since I didn't expect that. Luckily, I had enough time to see the numbers and write them down before forgetting. At least now, I had something on this stranger.

After that day, I started seeing the red truck drive by my house at odd times while I was at home. It never parked in front of my house again, but I still got a feeling of dread whenever I saw it drive past. For whatever reason, it put me very on edge and eventually burrowed it's way into my mind when I was by the front window and heard something drive past it.

It was a few days into December, snow had just fallen, and I was setting up Christmas decorations around the house. I was never into Christmas trees personally but I loved hanging tinsel and bells in all the rooms. I had begun work on the living room when I noticed something through the front window. This time, it wasn't a red truck.

Footprints. Several tracks of footprints could be seen going alongside my house it what looked to be several loops. I had yet to go outside yet so they couldn't have been mine, and I decided to follow these tracks to wherever they went.

They both originated and lead back into some woods at the back of my house. Hardly dense, but thick enough to not see through to the other side. It eventually lead me to the other side of the woods, which was nothing but an empty lot on the other side. And there, the tracks completed their loop in front of big tire tracks that lead back out into the street. It was at this point that I started considering this might be a stalker of some kind.

Not long after that, I wad getting ready for bed when I hear a loud smash outside where the garbage can should be. I'm able to glance out my window on time to see a man in all black running away from my house and into the woods. This freaked me out and I called the police. It didn't take long for them to come and I explained everything to them. As I figured, it wasn't enough information as they would have liked but they did promise to search the woods and patrol my street for the remainder of the night. I was still shonen up, but relieved that I was being listened to. I did accidentally forget to give them the license plate numbers I wrote down. I realized this once I went back to bed, promised myself to send the numbers first thing tomorrow, but forgot to.

February rolls around and I'm getting ready to go out with friends for a movie, Deadpool. I was just making sure I had all the lights off when I saw something I hadn't seen in months. The red truck outside my house. Immediately after seeing that, I heard the sound of glass shattering in my kitchen. I run in to find a rock on the floor. The first thing I noticed about it was the bloodlike substance all over it. As I went to pick it up, I heard a loud menacing voice say "Bitch" from the broken window. Before I could look back to see who said that, they were gone. The truck had started up and took off with no surprise.

When I phoned this incident in, I made sure to give the license plate numbers. They also came by to collect the bloody rock. I eventually found out those license plate numbers were fake and not in the system. And while the blood on the rock was legit, it also didn't match anything on system. This really upset me to know there was no way to trace this back to the guy.

It's once again September and I'm trying to live day to day without looming fear of my own house. I once again have my friend over for television, and they know everything that's happened as well. The show has just started when I hear profanity coming from outside my house. It was then that I finally got to see the face of my countless nightmares standing in front of my window.

He was tall, muscled, long blonde hair. Once again in all black, but I could now see the gold chains around his neck. He was demanding I come outside and let him end me. As I'm crying in hysteria, worried for my life and my friend's, said friend proceeds to yell back at the guy, all the while trying to find something to use as a weapon. He eventually finds a rake I had brought inside to use. As this is all going down, a neighbor must have called the police as red and blue lights filled the area.

It turns out this guy was mentally disabled and had been missing for years. The truck belonged to an uncle of his in the area, which he allowed him to use for free and didn't let his family know wherw he was while he was technically missing. How he got away with driving without a license is beyond me. I'm also not the only person to be subject to his harassment. There were at least three others. Completely random and no connections ehatsoever. He had never killed or hurt anyone either, which relieved me to some extent. He did get charged for the distress he put me and others through, and got put into proper supervision the following month.

While I'm glad he got the help he needed and won't be unsupervised again, I'm thankful nobody got hurt or killed as a result of this. Knowing what I know now, I don't hate the man for his actions. He obviously in a sane state of mind, and now he's getting the help he needs. I just hope to never go through something like this again.

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