Angry Road Rage

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So this happened 8 months ago or so. I live in a smallish town in Ontario Canada about 1 hour north of Toronto. I work 20 minutes from my house in a different town due to my town having nothing but farms and subdivisions.

It was around 9:30 p.m I'm guessing because i had a closing shift at the store i work at. The store closes at 9 but it takes 15 minutes to clan up, count the money, lock up and bring the money to the bank in the mall the store is in. Then another 15 minutes of driving to get to were this takes place. So I'm on a back road outside my town I'm going about 90km/h in a 80km/h zone but its dead and everyone does that speed. I come up behind a red Suzuki SX4 with a ALL black back bumper that is doing 60kn/h. So i wait for the middle line to become a broken line to over take him. Once it does I give it gas signal and go around him with out having to go down a gear because i put enough space between us to get up to 80km/h with out tailgating him.

But once i go into the other lane he floors it and doesn't let me pass. At that point i was like "what the hell" in my head. So i go down from 5th gear to 4th then give my little Volkswagen some gas then back up to 5th when i pass him. He then flashed his high beams and signaling to the right (the side of the road). I wasn't really feeling like pulling over to the side of the road in the middle of no were out side town, so I ignore it and keep going. When i get into town it turns into a 4 lane road. He goes into the right lane while i stay in the middle one. The guy is keeping his distance and doesn't seem to be up set anymore, so i thought it was all good.

I decided that since gas was cheap and didn't want to take any chances in case it goes up again in the morning i would fill up now. I make a left and immediately make a right into a gas station. The guy makes the same left slows down and i can see in my mirror that he thinks about it for a second then decides to pull in. It was at this point i knew things weren't going to be good. I pull up to the pump and he pulls up to the same one on the other side. I turn off my car and grab my phone, the whole time i see him in the corner of my eye he is angrily staring at me "oh this is going to be fun". The guy must have been in his late 40's to mid 50's with scruff on his face and a hat on. The second i open my door i hear "HEY FUCKER!!"

I put on my retail face i have when dealing with a angry customer and respond with "what can i help you with?" he immediately responds almost cutting me off with "IF YOU EVER PASS ME LIKE THAT AGAIN ILL FOLLOW YOU HOME AND BEAT YOUR FACE IN". Even tho i know he is defiantly in the wrong i don't want to start a debate with this guy, mainly because if he is willing to follow me into a gas station and strait up say that hes probably not willing to have a friendly discussion about it. So i just say "ok" go over and start pumping gas. He then drives away (i should have called the police or at least taken down his plate number, but in the moment i was in shock and didn't think about it).

After putting in $5 because i didn't want to stay around, at this point i just really wanted to go home. I go in to pay and i ask the girl if see saw what just happened, she responded with "no, what happened?" i explain what happened. The girl seemed pretty shocked but didn't say much about it. I then paid for my gas and left. Once i left the gas station I tried to call my mom with a couple try's with the worlds worst voice commend it finally went though i told her what happened and stayed on the phone till i got home. Till this day i still look out for that car, but I've never seen him again.

Also i want to note that I'm a 6'5" 18 year old guy who plays rugby. If it came down to it i think i could have handled it. But I don't like confrontation's and i don't know what the guy has. Till this day i regret not calling the police after he left. I don't know if I'm over reacting about this but it really scared me. So to the guy that followed me into a gas station to road rage at me lets not meet again.

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