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Okay guys, I just want to put in a quick authors note.

Currently I am on my mobile phone, so the message given won't be too long and hopefully not too short as I would like to explain. As you may have known (if I am even lucky enough to have readers who are updated with my book), I have not updated in twelve days. I am not just having difficulty due to school, but just two days after my last updates, my laptop was crashing.

When taken to get repaired it was discovered that somehow my laptop had developed a very malicious computer virus and yes I admit that I did download something (before deleting it just an hour later) for me to browse the dark web which may have led to this.

Currently my parents are arranging for me to get a new laptop which I will look after even better seeing that my past two laptops have only lasted two to three years.

The good news is that I have not abandoned the book and I hope that when I set up the new laptop I will be updating on a regular basis which for me will be on Sundays and Wednesdays and will most likely be posting more than one chapter at a time.

Sorry for the inconvenience to anyone who enjoys this book, and I have made sure to go over my message multiple times to be sure that it is correct for everyone.

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