Black is Sexy{35}

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Malea's POV

I closed the bedroom behind me and walked downstairs to the kitchen to get something to eat.

"Good Morning." I called as I walked into the dining room. Everyone had already begun eating. Lucian included. When did he get up?

"Dude. It's noon." Rhys took a bite of bacon and took in my messy hair and face. "And you look terrible."

"I'm still getting over jet lag." I shrugged and took a seat next to Eileen. I reached over her and grabbed an empty plate to get my food on.

"How'd you sleep, hon?" Mom asked before pouring me a glass of orange juice. I nodded my thanks to her before taking a sip.

"Fine." I glanced over at Lucian who sat next to my father. I raised my eyebrow in question and he shrugged slightly. "So what are we doing today?"

My father smiled. "Well, there's this charity gala dinner that Lucian was talking about and he said we should all come."

I almost choked on my omelette. "Really? Don't you have to be like over 21, Lucian?" I said, looking at him incredulously.

Lucian smiled and shook his head. "Actually no. The kids have a different section so basically it's separated for people over 21 and those younger than 21."

It's going to be so embarrassing if my whole family comes. I cringed.

"How about we invite Adam to tag along? He and Malea could catch up." My mother nudged my father.

"Yeah. Why not?" My father shrugged.

Lucian tensed. "So has Adam been like part of the family?"

Zoya nodded over enthusiastically. "We all thought Adam and Malea would end up together."

I kicked Zoya under the table. She shot me a nasty look. "Well what time is it starting?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

"Around 9 pm. It goes on till past midnight but I don't think the children should stay past 12." Lucian said. He said 'the children' as if they were his children. I almost laughed.

"I'm 16. I can stay after 12." Zoya said irritably.

My mother shook her head. "No. You, Eileen and I aren't staying past 12."


"End of discussion, Zoya." Dad reached over the table for the pitcher of orange juice.


I was comparing which dress to wear, the long black one or the mauve one when the doorbell rang. I dropped both dresses on the bed and raced downstairs. "I'll get it." I called even though I knew no one would've opened the door in the first place.

I pulled the door open to find my sister, her dark brown hair pinned on her head in a bun. She had dark circles under her eyes and her skin was paler than I last remembered and next to her was a double stroller. I pulled Vera into a hug. "I missed you so much."

I pulled the door wider for her to come inside and she did, with her husband, Nick in tow. He was holding Jordan by his hand. Nick's African American so Jordan inherited his curly hair and darker skin tone. I lowered myself to my knees and pulled Jordan into a hug. He giggled as I ruffled his curly, light brown hair.

"Long time no see, Malea. How are you?" Nick asked once I stood up to hug him.

"I'm good. Congratulations on the birth of the two little ones." I said as he pushed the stroller inside.

"Malea. Who're you talking to?" Eileen asked with annoyance as she climbed down the stairs, a pair of headphones situated around her neck. When she saw Vera, she ran into her arms.

"Guys. I had a Cesarean. Easy on the hugs." Vera muttered as Eileen pulled away from the hug and then collided into Nick in a hug.

"Easy on the hugs, guys. I had to take care of a wive who just had Cesarean." Nick mimicked jokingly as he ruffled Eileen's hair. She tried to duck, but the damage was already done to her hair.

My parents came in next and soon enough the house was filled with boisterous talking. They ushered my sister's family into the living room and just moments after they sat down, Lucian walked into the living room.

I pulled Lucian to the center of the room and smiled. "Vera and Nick, this is Lucian. My boyfriend. Lucian, this is Vera my sister and Nick, my brother-in-law."

She squealed and clapped her hands giddily. "Finally! You have a boyfriend and he's extremely hot."

Nick shot her a look. "Hello. Your husband is sitting right next to you." He said jokingly. They both stood up to shake hands and we sat down on one of the couches together.

"How long have you two been together?" Vera asked as she begun to breastfeed one of the twins.

"Around 6 months." I answered with a smile.

Jordan raced across the living room and to the stroller where his little brother and sister slept. "Who's that little guy?" Lucian asked with a smile.

Vera waved her hand as if to dismiss the question. "That's Jordan. He can be a handful but he's getting along with Ivey and William well." At the sound of his name, Jordan turned away from the stroller and raced towards Lucian.

"Congratulations on the birth. I heard you had C-section so it must've been harder to recover." Lucian said with interest as Jordan climbed up into Lucian's lap. Lucian begun to tickle Jordan and Jordan giggled wildly and wriggled in Lucian's arms. I felt pleased to see how good Lucian was with the toddler as he talked to Jordan as if he could understand Jordan's gibberish.

Vera nodded and placed Ivey over her shoulder to burp her. "It was hard knowing that the birth wouldn't be natural but most women giving birth to twins usually go through Cesarean. And Nick was there through it all so it made things easier."

The rest of the afternoon was spent catching up and taking turns to carry Ivey and William. Soon enough, Vera, Nick and her children retired to the den to rest up while the rest of the family got ready for the Charity gala.

I was back staring at those two dresses, trying to decide which one to wear. I'd already done my makeup and was standing in an oversized tshirt staring at the options in front of me.

"Lucian. Which one is better? Black or mauve?" I asked, turning to show him the two dresses.

Lucian was already pulling on his suit jacket to complete his outfit. I admired how easy it was for him to get dressed quickly. He stopped buttoning the buttons at the cuffs of his sleeves and turned to face me. "Black." He said without hesitation. "Black looks really sexy on you."

I grinned at the complement and tossed the mauve dress onto the bed. "Black it is." I raced into the bathroom and pulled on the dress, relishing in the feel of it.

The dress hugged all my curves and looked amazing on me. The whole back was exposed except for the two thin straps that criss-crossed behind my exposed flesh. I pulled on my heels and finished up my makeup then I walked out of the bathroom with a wider grin than before. Lucian chose well.

"What do you think?" I asked. Lucian turned away from the vanity mirror and took in a sharp intake of breath when he saw me.

"Like I said. Black looks sexy on you." His eyes raked my body and a smile tugged at the corner of his lips.

Lmao this chapter was short. Hope you enjoyed.

Much Love,
Me :)

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