My Sweet Oblivion{28}

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Third Person's POV

The brunette slammed a fist against the table in rage. "What the hell? How could this be?"

The dark one jumped back in fear. "I'm sorry but I don't think I can do this anymore."

The brunette cocked their head to the side. "Excuse me? You don't get a choice whether or not you want out."

The dark one shook in fear. "Please, just let me out. I don't want any part in this operation. It's not right!"

The brunette snarled and glanced at the blonde. "Take care of her."

The dark one screamed in fear before the blonde pounced.

Malea's POV

Ales is missing.

Nearly a week after Lucian and I went live, Ales disappears. An alert went out explaining that Ales may have been abudcted. Fear wracked my body as I read the news.

I didn't know what to think or what to do. Winter, Myra, Lucian and I all sat at a table in a small cafe, trying to discuss where Ales may be.

"Who last saw her?" Lucian asked, his hands shaking as he spoke. I placed a hand on his arm to calm him down though I was hardly calmer than he was right now.

Myra raised her hand. "I last saw her. I was shopping for groceries last week and I bumped into her. I last saw her a day before you guys went live."

That's so odd. I've tried Ales's phone a million times and yet it went to dial tone. I shook my head as fear clawed around my empty stomach.

"I'm so scared." I whispered.

"We all are." Winter agreed her eyebrows knitted in fear.

"I think it best if we try to relax." Myra suggested, her voice scared and trembling. "Would any of you like to come over for dinner?" How could Myra talk about dinner at a time like this?

"I'm fine." I swallowed past the tears in my throat. Oh my God. My best friend is gone.

"I think I'll stay with Malea tonight." Lucian offered, laying a reassuring hand on my thigh.

Myra frowned. "I insist. Maybe we could talk about this over dinner. Please."

"Fine." I said reluctantly. It seemed like Myra didn't have anyone to talk to and maybe going over for dinner with her will allow her to relax.

"I won't be able to come. I have people to call concerning Ales's location." Lucian said. He had dark circles underneath his eyes. He placed a quick kiss onto my lips and let go of my hand reluctantly.

Myra looked absolutely broken. "I didn't know you and Ales were that close." I said sadly.

Myra sniffed and broke down then. "I hope she's okay." Heavy sobs wracked her body.

I gathered my belongings and tried not to let my tears fall. "I have to get going. I'll be at your place at 7." I decided to put my feelings aside and work with Myra instead of despising her. Maybe tonight I could I ask her about what she knows of the contract.

I followed Lucian to the car and we drove to his new place in silence. We slept in each other's arms for the rest of the afternoon, grief and sorrow tiring our bones.

I woke up suddenly to my phone ringing. "Hello?" I said sleepily, the grieve of what happened hitting me at a whole new level.

"Malea? I need to tell you something." Elaine said, her words rushed.


"I need to tell you that I—" And then she cut off. She what?

"Elaine?" I called into the phone. Maybe she'll call me back later.

I glanced at the time. It was 6 pm, I got dressed and Lucian dropped me off at Myra's place.

"Please have fun and be careful." Lucian said gripping my hands with so much care and tenderness I felt as if he thought that I was a peice of glass that could shatter if handled roughly.

He leaned down and kissed me softly as if this would be the last time he would see me. "Bye, Lucian." I unbuckled and hurried out and to the front door. Only once I was inside the house, Lucian drove away.

Winter sat at the table also with Myra. Winter and Myra chattered off with heavy hearts while I hardly ate the steak in front of me. Myra brought out a tray filled with glasses of wine. I would love wine right about now. I want the alcohol to take away the pains of losing my best friend. She set down our glasses.

In one gulp, I downed the wine. It was oddly sweeter than most wines and immediately made my stomach light up  from the alcohol. "What type of wine is this?" I spoke up for the first time in a while, my tongue felt like a massive wet sponge and my words slurred together.

"It's nothing special." Myra replied.

Just as soon as she said those words, the world went black as I slipped into oblivion with one thought in my head. Myra just poisoned me.

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