Long Time No See, Adam {33}

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Malea's POV

"Lucian! Help me zip up my suitcase?" I called from the bedroom. Lucian didn't go to work and instead spent the day packing with me. I jumped onto the large black suitcase and waited for Lucian.

Lucian walked out of the closet with two hangers in his hands, the one on the left with a three piece suit and the other with a really expensive looking black suit. "Which one of these will your parents like the most? The Ferragamo or the Armani?" He looked up from his choices with worry in his expression.

I hopped off the suitcase and took both hangers from his hands and placed them on the bed. I leaned in and pressed my lips to his. He relaxed into the kiss and wrapped his arms around my waist. I pulled away and looked into his eyes, a small smile tugging at my lips. "My parents are casual freaks and aren't the most knowledgeable when it comes to formal wear. And besides, I recommend you opt for casual clothing. Its hot in California."

Lucian placed a kiss onto my forehead. "What would I do without you?"

I pulled away from him and ushered him to my suitcase that was nearly bursting at the seams. "Now. Help me zip this up." I jumped back onto the suitcase and Lucian leaned in to zip it up by placing a hand on my thigh to steady himself and the other on the zipper.

After he helped with that, and we were absolutely sure we finished packing everything we would need, we went downstairs to watch a movie. Halfway through the movie, I realized something. "Did you buy a plane ticket?" I asked, turning in his arms so I could look up at him.

Lucian raised an eyebrow. "What for?"

I rolled my eyes, annoyed with his nonchalance about the whole situation. "The flight to California. Have you bought your ticket yet? Because I haven't bought mine and we could buy it at the same time so we'll be on the same flights."

Lucian pulled me closer to himself. "What's the need for buying a ticket to a public plane when I have my own private jet?"

"I'm not even surprised." I dipped my hand into the caramel popcorn bowl and threw a handful of it into my mouth. I stood up from the couch so I could go and get my laptop.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"I'm getting my laptop so I can book a flight before the prices get too high."

"Again I say, I have a private jet so why buy a ticket?" Lucian chuckled and pulled me back onto his lap. "No need to book any flight. You're coming with me."


I miss California so much. True, I didn't miss the hot, humid air, but the air felt like home. I missed the palm trees and the feel of energy in the air. I hopped off the plane with my luggage, Lucian in tow. He insisted that he carry my luggage but that wasn't going to happen.

My mother told me that my brother would be here to pick us up from the airport so I kept my eye out for Rhys. I felt so comfortable in my sweatpants but I knew I looked a mess from the 5 hour flight.

"Do you see him?" Lucian asked. He also was in a pair of joggers, a loose white tshirt, and Nike roshes, but he made it work. He looked a sportswear model whereas I looked like I just woke up. I tried to ignore the fact that almost every woman was looking at Lucian longingly.

"Not yet." We made our way out of the terminal and to the main area where families stood with signs and smiles. I scanned the crowd for my brother's bright red hair but couldn't see him. Lucian tapped my shoulder and pointed to the far left corner. My brother stood there with a large sign saying 'Malea Hayes and Lucian King.' How could I have missed him? He stood at least 5 inches taller than when I last saw him 8 months ago and his red hair looked more vibrant than ever and he looked like a man now. I felt a tear gather in my eyes.

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