Meeting The Parents{34}

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Malea's POV

I hopped out of the car and headed to the back of the trunk to help the Lucian, Adam and Rhys with the luggage. I pulled my suitcase behind me and made my way towards the front door.

"Do you have the key, R? Or should I press the bell?" I called from the front door.

"Just press the bell. Cam should be home." Rhys said as he walked towards the front door with Lucian and Adam in tow.

I shrugged and pressed the bell and stood back.

"I'll get it!" I heard someone yell as the door unlocked. The door flung open to reveal Zoya. Her dark blonde hair was wrapped into a messy bun and her freckles barely stood out against her tan skin.

"Mali!" She pulled me into a hug. I missed her so much. I stood back to get a  good look at her. She looked so much older than when I Iast saw her.

"How was your drivers test?" I asked as I pulled my bags inside the house. The cool air of the conditioner blasted against my face.

She shook her head and pointed with her eyes in Lucian's direction. "He is so hot. Oh my God. How? When? Where? Why?" She asked, her face flaming up once Lucian found her eyes and shot her one of his signature smiles.

"We'll talk about that later. Where's mom and dad?"  I asked as I set my suitcases against the foyer wall.

"They're with Vera. They'll be back soon." Zoya rolled her eyes to show her annoyance.

Lucian, Adam and Rhys followed us inside the house. "Zoya. This is Lucian King, my boyfriend." I wrapped my hand around Lucian's bicep. "Lucian, this is Zoya, my younger sister."  They shook hands and Zoya flushed more than before.

"You were on Forbes most eligible Bachelors, right? And you're the owner of King Enterprises?" Zoya gushed, a weird smile on her face.

Lucian laughed. "How do you know?"

Zoya grinned. "I can't wait to tell that bitch, Mackenzie, that I met you and that your dating my sister.  And I mean you're everywhere! In magazines, the news, websites-"

"Okay. Enough Zoya. Are you going to continue listing where you've seen him, or are you going to show us our room?" I rolled my eyes.

Zoya finally snapped out of her trance. "Sorry. Let me show you to your room." She began racing up the steps on the staircase.

"Adam and I are going to the living room." Rhys called after us.

  "I hope you don't mind sharing a room. We don't have much space." Zoya said as she reached the top of the stairs. I turned to look at Lucian who winked suggestively and I punched his arm playfully. In Lucian's house in New York, we shared a room then so there isn't going to be a difference here.

We lugged our suitcases up the stairs and as we walked down the hallway, most doors to my sibling's rooms were shut. "Is Vera visiting today?"

Zoya turned to me and shook her head. Then she turned left and we made our way up another set of small stairs. "She's too weak to be discharged from the hospital. She had Cesarean section."

"Do you know the sex of her babies?" I asked as we stopped in front of the first guest room. Zoya opened it and dropped one of my carryon suitcases next to the wall.

"One boy and one girl. Jordan is going to have two smaller siblings now." Zoya clapped her hands happily before making her way over to the blinds and opening them.

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