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Derek's POV

Oh no!!

"B-Beth" I spoke up

"I-I was j-just a b-bet" she said slutturing.

Tears started to drop from her eyes.
She turned around and ran out: I ran after her calling her name but she kept ignoring. I went outside of school she was already gone.

I messed up everything..

A tear escaped my eye. I fell on my knees. I held my head on my hands. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I instantly looked up thinking it was Beth, but no. It was Zach.

I wiped my face and stood up.

"Zach man I messed up everything" I said running my hands through my hair.

"Derek it's not time to do this you have to go explain to her. I know she is hurt. She thinks she was only a bet. You have to explain her your feelings. Go get her back!" He said.

"I know and I will" I said and ran to my car. I was about to get in, when I heard the most annoying voice ever. Niomi!

"Hey baby" she said and kissed me.
I pushed her away. "Ew get away" I shouted.

"What's wrong baby?" She asked putting her hands on my waist.

"Get the fuck away from me your motherfucking bitch. I have a someone I love not you and stop with the baby thing I'm not your fucking baby" I yelled at her.

"Derek's I'm the one you love" she yelled back.

"I don't fucking love you" I yelled at her.

"Baby remember we fucked. I'm the one you love" she said.

"Oh my fucking god you slut. I only fucked you. It meant nothing and you should know that I told you before we fucked and remember I'm a fucking bad boy." I yelled at her and pushed her away and got in my car.

This day can't get any worse!!!

I just hope Beth let's me explain.

"Plz god let me explain to Beth she means everything to me. I don't want to lose her. She stole my heart and I know I stole her's so please put us together. I know I betted with zach but in through the time I fell for her for real. She made me fall. The bet meant nothing to me. All I want is her. I don't want her to think that what she said about people leaving her is true. It's not I'm not leaving her. I'm there for her till the end of life. Plz" I prayed inside my head.

I drove fast as I can to Beth's house. I typed the pin on the gate And went in. I parked my car in the garage and put the pin of the door. I stepped inside of her house.

It was all silent. I checked the whole downstairs and pool she wasn't there. I went on the first floor, she wasn't there. Lastly on the 2nd floor I checked her room.

She was there. Her face had dried tears all over. She was only on booty shorts and sports bra. She was hugging a picture. She was sleeping.

I went up to her slowly. I took the picture away form her and looked at it. It was one of the selfies we took. She was smiling and I was kissing her cheeks. I smiled at the photo and put it on the side table.

I picked her up and layed her on the bed. I tucked her in. She started to shake.

"Mum dad you can't leave me"
"Tyler please stay with me . Tyler you can't leave me alone in this world"
"Derek Derek" she whispers.
"I'm all alone again"
"Mum dad Tyler Derek"

She started to whisper all our names and cried. She hugged her knees. I couldn't see her like this. I took my jeans and top off and laid next to her. I brought her in my arms and comforted her. After a while she slept normal with no whispering or crying. I started to feel sleepy and slept next to her.



Love ya❤️❤️❤️💚💚

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