Chapter 38

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After the crazy yelling I had with Clare and her begging me to stay the night because she wanted to talk to me properly in the morning I kind of snaped at her and left her alone with her thoughts. It was 4 in the morning when I came to Lauren's house, she jumped on me, told me how worried she was and I was cold like an ice. Her hands slowly let go of me as she stepped backwards, "what's wrong?" Was the first question flying out of her mouth and the need to scream at her was getting bigger by second. But I didn't do it. 

"Is there something you need to tell me?" I asked her and she looked worried, her nose was scrunched up, her eyebrows furrowed together, her eyes locked on me as she was thinking about something.

"Oh God, Dinah told you didn't she?" Dinah told me what? What's going on?

"She did?" I raised my eyebrows at her and she started walking up and down the kitchen nervously. "I thought you would love the idea? Maybe it is too soon?" What is she talking about seriously, "it's just, I know you have Maddie and she loves Leo, but it's not the same if he had a little baby sister running around the house getting on his little nerves."

"We're not getting a baby Lauren. And Dinah told me nothing about it either. Stop messing with my head and admit it already. Admit it that you knew, you knew they drugged me and used some kind of a weird medicine that made me forget about a few months that we spent together. Just tell me that you worked with your father on it, if you wanted me out of your life so badly, you could've just said so." Her lips are parted, her eyebrows raised she is starring at me weirdly.

"What are you talking about?"

"Your fucking father, did this to me, he is the reason I didn't remembered you. He is the reason you had to raise Leo on your own, you, your father and Clare erased my memories of us. Don't act like you don't know it?!?" Lauren stepped towards me quietly, her hand slowly reaching towards mine in attempt to calm me down, but her touch only made it worse. All of the sudden I wanted an escape from this, if she wanted me out of her life, I am going to do her a favour by leaving.

"That bitch, I never liked her. Who said this things to you? Who told you that? I had no idea my father and Clare did this to you." I laughed sarcastically and she finally noticed how hurt and mad I was.

"Stop pretending that you care about me or the things that happened. My father called you, he called you to tell you the truth but you ended the freaking call."

"I was afraid ok? He never liked me, I thought he was going to tell me to stay away from you or something? And I just met my real father for the very first time. I am pretty sure that if you were in my shoes the first thing running through your head wouldn't be 'dad did you drugged my wife?' How could I know he did it? How? Max disappeared afterwards, he drove me to my parents house and disappeared. How was I supposed to know what happened? I thought you were the one who told him to do that. I thought that it was your choice to leave me?" I looked at her in disbelief. Is it possible that they played her too?

"Stop lying." I whispered quietly.

We had a little fight afterwards, some bad things were flying out of her mouth but I knew that this was just self defense, she felt hurt so she started yelling at me.

Now I am standing here in front of her, her back is facing me as I am trying to think. She turns around quietly and takes a deep breath. "Baby I didn't know, just. Just sit down on the bed and listen to me," Lauren cries out hopelessly, I can see it in her eyes that she is tired, I can feel it in my heart that I am exhausted too. I obey her for once and sit my ass down on the bed behind me. Lauren walks towards the drawers and takes her phone out, she types something on it and it doesn't take long for the song to start playing. I listen to the sweet melody, waiting for something to hit me and it does, oh dear lord it does, it crushes me inside when she turns towards me with teary eyes.

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