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December 16th
Denver, CO

winter in Denver 

"Mama.... When's daddy coming home?" A 4 year old Charli asked, standing in the doorway of her parents bedroom while Honey breastfed their newborn daughter, Skyah.

She was just a few weeks old and was extremely loved and spoiled by nearly everyone, everyone except Charli. Her and Sky would compete over Sydney, both of them wanting the woman's attention desperately.

Sometimes they had crying matches to see who Syd would comfort first, and of course it was the new born which made Charli jealous. She would sometimes get into fights would Syd, but Syd would make it up to her every time so it didn't last long.

The boys were now older, Matthew and Sydney's birthday had just passed and Carter's was coming up. Skyah was born on November 28th, Honey was actually at work when her water broke and Monique rushed her to the hospital.

Syd got there before them and refused to leave Honey's side throughout the entire process, leading to her nearly getting arrested. But she was there when Honey had Skyah, holding her babygirl in her arms while looking at her like she was the most important girl in the world.

She fed and rocked Skyah to sleep, brushing her finger along the babies features and kissing her little hand that gripped her fingertips whenever she poked at it.

Honey finding the action cute, and was also satisfied with the way Syd catered to her EVERY need. She was there when Honey had to pee, when she wanted to shower, she never had to ask for food because Syd made sure she had snacks or a meal nearby at all times.

She turned on the air whenever Honey was hot and got her extra warm blankets whenever she was cold, treating her like the Queen that she was.

They were a year into marriage and everything was wonderful, Syd was the best parent/ partner anyone could ask for. And Honey was the same in return, being her natural loving and nurturing self.

Matthew had moved in with them full time, Kennedy having no problem with it as she had found herself a man and now had a baby on the way that was due in a few weeks. They found out it was a girl, and Matt was overly excited to be having another newborn sister.

Anytime he visited his mother's house, he talked up everyone's ears about the things he did whenever he came home. His bond with Honey being stronger than ever, to the point where it felt as though she had pushed him out and he was her actual son.

And he was such a sweetheart to her, helping her cook, do laundry, clean the house, basically whatever. And he also referred to her as Mom or Ma on the regular basis now, Kennedy having no problem with that either.

Her and Honey had grown slightly closer as well, and she was happy that there was such an amazing woman that looked over her son whenever she couldn't.

Carter was the same old Carter, still loving cars, still beating up kids at school over his big brother, and he recently had grown an addiction to anime so him and Syd would sit in the living room every night and watch a few episodes of Naruto before bedtime.

She bought him comics and coloring books, and even got both boys into basketball. They actually had just finished up a season of summer ball, traveling all over the place, playing in cities with big tournaments like Atlanta, Dallas, Chicago, Indiana.. etc.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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