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October 14th

I sighed a breath of relief as I opened the door and inhaled the refreshing scent that I've grown to know and love as home. I shut the door back gently and slipped out of my work boots, I carried them over to the laundry room and opened the door gently.

I sat them on top of the shelf and closed the door back, I then went to the kitchen and instantly opened the fridge. Seeing there was nothing already cooked and prepared, it had been like that for a while now.

I don't know what the fuck goin on with Honey, she ain't been doing shit but staring around all day. I don't even think she left the room.

We been arguing for the past few days, so nearly everytime I'm home she's either already asleep with her back to me, or she's in the tub to which she barley comes out of.

I'm convinced she sit in that bitch til the water freezing cold. I don't know what the fuck goin on though, I tried asking and got nothing. So I'm done asking. Ima let her get over that shit on her own, cause clearly that's what she wants.

I went over to the pantry and opened it up, grabbing some noodles from the shelf. I grabbed a bowl from the cabinet and a pot from the stove before I got to work.

I went over and glanced in the fridge for some cheese, seeing as though everything looked so proper and neat. Normally Carter ass would've been all in the fridge moving shit around and fucking it up.

I furrowed my eyebrows and grabbed what I needed, fixing my shit up occasionally.

After I was done eating, I washed the dishes that I used, cleaned off the stove and put everything back to how it was. I then slid my phone out my pocket and took a picture of the fridge, pantry, and cabinets where more food was.

I checked the trash and seen nothing there as well which made me sigh. I know she not fucking starving herself and she's pregnant.

I turned off the kitchen light and made my way to our room. Opening the door, I could see her figure in bed as always. I started to speak but then realized that holding my tongue would be better.

Plus, we could talk about it tomorrow. I shut the door behind myself and went straight to the bathroom.


After I freshened up, i climbed into bed and stared up at the dark ceiling. I didn't hear any light breaths or snores, which let me know that she was awake as well.

We sat in silence, I turned my head to see her facing me. Her eyes roamed my features and I could see her contemplating something in her head, so i spoke first.


"Nothing.. how was work?"

"How much longer you gone keep this up?" I asked her while turning completely toward her. "I don't know." She mumbled a reply, her tone dropping.

"Why you haven't been eating?"

"I can't."

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