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Night before Funeral

"Sydney?" I softly called throughout the house since I had just put the kids to bed and let Syd have some alone time.

I found her in the bedroom lying down with her back facing the door. "Sydney..?"

She turned her head and gave me a look, my heart relaxed in my chest when I realized she wasn't crying, she didn't even look sad much. Just.. emotionless.

"I'm just checking up on you." I tell her while turning back out of the room, going to the bathroom. Just as I was about to close the door, she gently pushed it back open and stepped inside with me.

She avoided eye contact and just unzipped the toiletry bag on the counter, so I did the same.

The entire routine was silent and suffocating to me, and no matter how bad I wanted to say or do anything, I couldn't. Because I don't know what to say to her, I've said all I can.

So I just think it's important that I let her have a peace of mind, especially since the funerals tomorrow, she may be preparing herself to say goodbye to her grandmother for the last time.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard the door open, and I glanced up to see her looking at me. "You good?"

"Mhm." I hummed, following her out of the bathroom. We went back through the halls, stopping at the room that the kids were in. I watched at the door as she went and kissed both their heads before turning to me.

I opened the door wider, signaling for her to come on and she followed suit. We reached the bedroom only a second later, she gently closed the door while I went to slip out of the access clothing into something more comfortable.

Afterwards I wrapped up my hair and climbed into bed next to Syd, she instantly turned toward me and laid her head on the pillow. I observed her emotionless but tired face, the bags under her eyes still present, her eyes still glow-less, her hair still uncut and undone. She just looked a mess.

I guess she noticed me observing her so she turned onto her back and stared up at the ceiling. I sighed and turned onto my back as well, and a second later I felt her grab my hand.

She didn't say anything though, she just caressed my hand with her thumb and continued to stare at the ceiling. I reached over with my other hand and turned off the light before scooting closer until I felt the warmth of her body.

Soon enough my eyes started to fall and I was out before I knew it.


I rolled out of bed at the sound of footsteps running through the hall. Rubbing my eyes, I made my way to the room door and pulled it open, seeing Carter standing in the doorway of the bathroom dressed in his little dress pants.

"Hi mommy.." He turned and waved, I waved back while making my way toward him, getting there I was met with Syd standing in the bathroom mirror with Charli.

"Top of the morning to you.."

"Morning... tell mama goodmorning." She instructed from Charli, her voice still monotone and emotionless, and so was her face. But now it looked as if she hadn't slept at all.

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