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A few days later

"Are you sure you're ok?" Honey asked Syd, they sat in the living room in silence. Syd stared at the TV screen which broadcasted a cartoon that Carter was watching.

Syd was actually watching it, and Honey knew the woman didn't watch TV, let alone Cartoons. "Yeah." Syd nodded while glancing over at her, Honey's frown softened.

"The lil dog cute." She mumbled, Honey hummed and turned her head at the sound of a knock on the door. She placed Charli in Syd's lap before going to get it, opening the door to see 2 guys standing there.

She recognized Syd's brother and stepped aside to let him in, greeting him back as he spoke to her. "It's been a minute since I seen you." He told her.

"Mhm... and you look like a completely different person..." Honey gave him a once over, her tone flattening out as she observed his outfit.

"I just got out the house, don't mind my fit." He insisted, cutting his eyes to Syd. "And yo' ass.." He started with her, making her smack her lips.

"In here watching cartoons and shit." He went around the couch, sitting beside her. "Where lil dude at?" He asked while glancing at Charli.

"Sleep." Syd replied while he scooted over, making room so Honey could sit back down. "You ready or what?" He asked her, she sighed.

"Nah... I ain't ready at all." She mumbled while holding Charli carefully, looking down at her daughter. "Yo' mama already seen him. It's just me, you, and lil Jon." He called Kevin, Syd licked her lips.

She hadn't talked to the boy in a while, and she knew that he'd be hurt terribly. "I can't face him." She admitted while clenching her jaw slightly.

"That lil nigga gone be coo', it's you we gotta worry bout."

"I'm straight." She shrugged while raising up, holding Charli up. "Yea, ok. Ima meet you outside." And with that, him and the guy left the house leaving Syd and Honey alone again.

Syd glanced over at Honey who was zoned out, she sighed and licked her lips again. "Gotta go view the body before he get cremated.." She told Honey, Honey just nodded and grabbed Charli.

In the midst of her doing so, Syd kissed her and Charli's head. "I love you, I'll be back later."

"I love you too." She replied, Syd grabbed her phone and slid from the couch before going to the back. Honey thinking she was going to kiss Carter's head just stared at the baby in her arms.

After a while Syd came back and left the house, getting into the car with her younger brother.

They reached the mortuary in no time, meeting the owner inside. They had talked to the man about coming a little later to get alone time with Dejon before they burned him, everyone who wanted to see him had already been there.

Syd stood over his body with a clenched jaw, her hands balling at the sight. He was dressed in a purple suit, his haircut and done while his hands rested on his stomach with multiple rings on his fingers.

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