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April 12th

"Hello, baby?"

"Yes mama?" Syd replied over the phone, the faint sound of a radio in her background. "Have you left yet?"

"Finna chop shit up with Hassan then I'm coming ma, i promise."

"Hurry, baby and I miss you." Honey replied while grazing her hand over her overly large stomach, just a few hours ago she found out they were having twins.

She was now awaiting for Syd's arrival home so she could announce the news to the woman in person. She had a cake made with the genders, and surprisingly they were having 2 little girls.

She didn't know how she was gonna approach her wife and inform her that they were expecting 2 more baby girls, which meant no more babying Charli for Syd and no more drinking for Honey.

"I'll be home as quick as i can, mama. Tell baby daddy's coming."

"Will do, i love you, honey bunch."

"I love you too sweet face, see you soon." The call ended with Honey standing at the kitchen counter staring down at the paperwork from the doctors. Her thoughts were dispersed when she heard the engine of a larger vehicle pulling away, so she rushed over to the door the quickest she could.

She unlocked it and opened it up, seeing her boys rushing up the stairs to the porch. She opened the door right when they approached it and bent over to give them both hugs, taking their bags as well.

"How was school?" She asked either one of them, following them into the kitchen. "It was cool." Carter replied with a shrug.

"We went on a field trip." Matt added, Honey raising an eyebrow as she watched them take lunchables out of the fridge. "Where did y'all go?"

"The zoo. I told them papa took us a million times already though, and now everybody thinks we're rich." Matt explained while grabbing the pizza one, he stepped onto the stool and Carter joined.

Both boys had grown to be just as tall as a 10 year old, though they were about to be 9 soon. They still needed a stool to be able to manage their own food without the help of mama or papa.

"We are."

"We aren't rich, Carter." Honey replied, the boy hummed underneath his breath because he wouldn't dare boldly mock his mother. "Papa says we are."

"Papa says a lot of things, doesn't mean they're all true."

"Then what are we? Are we suburban kids? The kids in Colorado didn't act like the kids do here... and they talk funny." Carter expressed while grabbing a small bowl from the dish rack.

He poured his chips from his nachos lunchable inside and stepped down from the stool to heat up his salsa and cheese, Matt was still creating his pizza.

"So what if you were suburban, what did i tell you about listening to those school kids?"

"I know mama but they always saying it, and they say we talk white."

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