Chapter thirty six

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The wolves stared at the woods in front of them. It wasn't their woods. Wolves and vamps started walking out of the tree line edge. They arrived in the middle of the city. They looked up into the sky and saw demons and mortals and they heard the sound of guns. One of the wolves named Hana shifted into her human form and used her wolf speed. To run to the apartment that belonged to Alexander and Ben. She pounded on the door until Alexander opened it.
" what do you want"
" it's here and it's time to fight"
" I'm not fighting, you dogs go figure it out yourself's" Alexander made a move to shut the door but Hana kicked the door and grabbed his shoulder.
" now listen here you son of a bitch. You will help us in this fight" she had him pinned against the wall with a knife to the throat " you were an appraised warlock and now the only thing you do is drink. So fucking pull up your big boy pants and fight and if not for yourself for your kids and your husband" then she stepped back and left.

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