Chapter nine " the mark"

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The horse could only get me so far. The woods are endless so I let the horse go free. And I kept walking. I knew there was a kingdom of healers somewhere. Sadly a healer can't fix the pain I feel but maybe they can help set me free. The woods were thinning out to grass. I must be near, the diamonds in the trees have never looked so
deadly. But the rubies look like blood. There is a tale to go along with the diamonds in the trees. Apparently, a lonely maiden was taken advantage of and she went to the woods and killed herself and the prince guilty of the crime. Her blood and tears formed the diamonds. Her bones, the trees, and her hair black as night turned into the demons that gather in the dark. The prince turned into nothing but rot. But she turned into a forest that never ends and never dies. Everyone who dies on the land turns into the forest. The sound of a gun broke my thoughts. Only humans have guns. The bullet hit the tree next to me. And after the bullet came to a girl in a black leather body suit and helmet. "Who are you" Regina asked
"Call me Emma" Emma said, taking off her helmet and revealing her blue eyes and pale skin. "I'm a hunter"
"A fairy hunter?"
"No, a cat hunter"
"No" cat hunters are a myth, they're dangerous and taught from a young age to kill.
"What do you want with me?"
"It's not what I want it's what the queen wants" "The cat queen?"
"Then who"
"The Viper Queen"
"What" the viper kingdom is a myth
"Yeah, you have a bounty on your head" Then she threw a dagger at my shoulder. I blasted shadows at her. She rolled and dropped a smoke bomb. I sent nightmares everywhere and pulled my sword out. I hit the floor, the pain in my ankle was unbearable. I looked, I was shot. Blood was everywhere. That's when Emma walked out of the smoke and kneeled in front of me. She is the true nightmare. That's when she blew pink powder in my face and I fell into a deep sleep. ———————————————————————
The boy who saved us was still standing there. Just staring at Elane like she is some puzzle to figure out. But it's simple, she's a healer who was protecting her patients. He still hasn't answered and it's making me uneasy but it makes me feel better knowing I can break his eardrums. "I'm Julian a prophecy child of spirit animals"
"We can trust him, he will eventually have to choose but he'll choose us after learning the hard way" Loren foresees "What's with her," the boy asked
"THEY are a seer, a very powerful one THEY can see every and any path to come," says Justin irritated, he doesn't like new people.
"Where are the rest of your people," Julian says softly
"In the woods, they're going to the Nephilim" I answered
" well then we better go with them," says Julian
"Okay that sounds like a good plan," says James, turning back to human. ——————————————————————— Moon
It was a time for celebration amongst the werewolves. I am officially a prophecy child. The tattoo has appeared and the wolves celebrate. I have to admit the plum-colored dress looks amazing on me, especially with the gold jewelry and black boots. The party is amazing even though we don't have much. My pack was able to gather gold and iron. They even put black feathers on the floor. "Moon, do you like the party?" Said my childhood best friend Fang.
"I love it"
"Good we both know I put all the effort in"
"By what sitting"
"No, I collected stuff"
"Where did you collect it from"
"Well the feathers came from the south end of the forest" "Idiot it came from the briar for"
That's when smoke started drifting into the cave from the entrance of the cave. The first wolf it touched fell onto the floor screaming.
"Silver gas"
Everyone started running. I followed the crowd but as I looked back I saw. The first wolf that was touched named Evin was nothing but a skeleton. Wolves were all over the floor screaming but most were already dead. Running, screaming, that's all anyone could do. We ran but there was no other way out. Welts started appearing on my skin. The other wolves were screaming and crumbling to the floor. As their skin was burned off by the silver. Fang grabbed my wrist and started pulling me to the back of the crowd. The smoke was coming closer. Fang fell to the ground crying as the silver smoke burned his flesh off. "Moon I have to tell you something"
"Ssh save your energy," I said welts were already appearing on me.
"Th tha proh-hecy itss" he stuttered as his last breath left his lips. The pain was unbearable whether it was mine or someone else's. I couldn't tell I just passed out.
"She's dead," said a man
"Good," said a woman
"Those dogs are finally gone," said the man
I opened my eyes just a little bit. Standing over the dead bodies was a man with brown hair and a woman with black hair. The anger was overwhelming at how dear they disrespect the dead. I reached for the knife strapped to my boot. I slowly sat up. That's when I came face to face with Fang's dead body. His eyes were still open but had no life in them. I reached over and slowly closed his eyes. Then I stood up, dagger in hand. Fully aware of my powers in the prophecy. I ran at the woman, I ran faster than any wolf. My claws sank into her skin.
"You should be dead" she cried
"Well, I'm not" my eyes glowing yellow and orange. My hair flashed purple and blue in the light.
"You killed my family you killed my pack"
"what are you going to do about it" her eyes shining with fear
"I will tear your throat out," I said, teeth clamping around her throat and ripping it out.
"stop," said the man with her
"You're next," I said, her blood still dripping out of the corner of my mouth. Then I cut his throat with a flick of my claw. And I left the den with silver hair now splattered with red. The beautiful dress is now wrinkled and ripped.

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