Chapter four "The truth"

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I stood in front of the jeweled mirror while my maid did my hair up into a tight bun with gold gem clips. I could barely breathe. because of the pink corset I was forced to wear.
"I don't need a husband, I could rule this kingdom on my own"
" Don't worry dear one day you will be Queen" said Mary That's when Mother opened the door
"you look so lovely like a doll"
" that's the problem"
Then she left with a look of distaste.
After etiquette class, I went to my room to gather myself before I had to meet the princes. That's when I saw a box on my bed. It contained a black dress and a note

To Regina

in this box, you'll find clothes carefully tailored to your liking. hopefully, these are what you wanted. I want you to go and show the king and queen, how a real ruler behaves.

with love -- Mary

Regina put on the dress and walked down the stairs. She strode past her mother but her mother grabbed her arm.

"What are you wearing? go change"
" No, why should I?"
"You need to be presentable for the princes"
" Why so I can waste away being a doting wife like you" She let go with an angry but yet a look of empathy or was it regret? I went into the throne room and stalked over to the table.
"who thinks they are capable of ruling beside me" ''Hah'' one of the princes laughed   ''excuse me, do you have something to say'' Regina said irritably
''I just find it dumb that..... I don't mean to be rude your highness but a woman" said the man. "a woman can rule, I can rule"Regina told him    "Girl, don't fool yourself" said another man "Don't be disrespectful" Regina said. "don't worry that little bitch can't do shit, she just needs a king" spat another prince wearing a crimson jacket.
"don't you dare disrespect me, in my palace again," Regina said now angry. "oh shut up, you're so annoying," the man said in Regina's space. "I will have you removed"
"you can't do shit" Then the man grabbed Regina's wrist, and Regina pulled away. "Robert, enough now leave" Regina's guards stayed in place not moving to help her then Robert smacked Regina, Regina hit the marble floor when she stood back up "Don't you dare touch me again" Then Regina blasted him into the wall with black shadows, the men stood from their seats swords drawn.                                            "blasted witch" a prince screamed                             "kill her" Regina took the sword from Roberts body and started cutting the princes down blood splattering the walls. Regina walked towards her parents, her hair falling from its bun and blood on her body and dress. all she could feel was pure anger, they did this they broke her, tortured and took all she had.                                                            "Regina have mercy" they pleaded                              "Why should eye" then used her newfound magic to rip their minds to shreds.


Conner was walking through the woods trying to find civilization to help him save his brother. from that witch or whatever she was, but what was he? he used magic didn't he or was he hallucinating? He had been walking for a while and he saw a faint glow around him. Probably the stars. Then he looked up. It wasn't stars, it was diamonds hanging from the trees by chains of a variety of colors. They seemed to be glowing and they had a weird feeling about them. That's when he saw light from the town. He ran towards the light, towards the town. Then he
fell and the world went black standing in the apartment were Alexander and Ben.                         "a letter came from the seers" said Ben                      "What is it about?' Alexander asked                          "It says we need to cast this spell to give us the answers".  Alexander cast the spell, and then an angel-like being stood in the middle of the room and spoke in a bellowing voice.                                     "when the world is in the most peaceful time, hell will break lose.                                                        to save the world in the hardest times, you will need.                                                                                 the child of fire and hate, the one with the coldest heart,                                                                                   the one whose beauty is blinding, the one whose heart is encased in thorns but most of all you will need the son of angel fire and a hellish heart,       he is not born he is forged and shaped into the sorcerer, the son will be like day and night, will have the voice like a song and eyes like a cat, with skin like gold. and hair like silk, he'll have the beauty of the fay, he will be a magic impediment he will be the soul of the gods but he also has the potential to tear the worlds in half if his soul turns black, but if his soul stays pure he will be the reigning king''                                             "Alexander  I hate to say this but I think we need to talk to your father'' said Ben                                   "no'' Alexander said                                                       "we have to"                                                                     "no!"                                                                                 "we have to for the future"                                           "no, he always has a price" Alexander yelled           "fuck the price we have to save everyone and prevent the future"                                                        "Are you truly willing to pay that price?" Alexander asked more softly                          
"Yes," Ben said his face softening                                "Okay, I will," he said, tears in his eye, he started waiving his hands in the air. Summoning Satan himself.                                                                            "Hello, my son!" Satan bellowed                                "Hello Father," Alexander said, rolling his eyes       "Son what do you want" satan said pushing against the pentagram                                                   "I want answers to a prophecy"                                   "Okay, hand me the prophecy"   Alexander threw his father the prophecy                                               Satan eyes grew worried "you, are supposed to be the fathers of this child for you are of hell and heaven. and I can feel the spell through the page, these children's powers are on this page. you need to gather the kingdoms and perform this.
__________________________________people from every kingdom and every territory or group. gathered in the field, they cut their palms. and individually put their blood on the altar. __________________________________Then it went black and shifted to Alexander holding a baby with raven black hair and gold glittering eyes. Ben came through the door with a worried look and a note.
"Alexander, we have to send him to the human world; he could destroy this world." and put him through the portal. Then it went black
and the baby was with a happy and loving family till five when he ended up back in the magic world. Outside the house of a nice Nephilim. He took the boy in until the boy was seven and started showing his demon mark cat eyes and teeth and rainbow fire in his eyes. Then the boy was left at a market and was abandoned. So he started pickpocketing and stealing until he ran into a fairy who took him in and trained him..... to be the ultimate weapon for the queen of fairies. Then the queen realized how powerful the boy was at age seventeen. Then dropped him off at an apartment building and left. Turns out the apartment building was his dad's. The boy was brought in and was thrown back through the portal and had his age reversed. Then the boy went to live a life of sadness and despair feeling like he never truly belonged because he didn't.
Then Conner woke up with a start. He remembered who he was, he knew what he had to do. He had to go find his parents Alexander and Ben.
Conner woke up and looked around. He was on the edge of the woods with the city in view. I had something very important to do. I disappeared in smoke and arrived on the doorstep of an apartment building. Walked into the lobby up the stairs and down the hall to apartment 109b. The
door was gorgeous like everything here. So I did the right and rational thing and kicked the door in. Conner stalked into the room and looked around. It was gorgeous. There were glass tables and marble floors with black fur throw rugs. leather couches and a stained glass chandelier. There was also a brick fireplace.
"tacky" I mumbled, which was a lie. So I plopped down onto the leather armchair and put my muddy feet on the armrest. I waited.
I could hear footsteps coming into the apartment. I also inherited heightened senses.
I could feel the vibrations of footsteps.
I could feel their fear.
Then a man with raven black hair, leather pants a silver metallic shirt, and purple glowing orbs in hand came in the door. Then next a man with a black leather jacket, black leather pants combat boots, and a black t-shirt with a whip in hand.
"Who are you and what are you doing in my home" Alexander said
" I'm here to get answers and as for who I am you should know that DAD," I said
"That's not possible," said Ben with sadness.
"well it is and Father it's time for you to grow the hell up, and help me save Brandon" The next part was much quieter and sad "Rose is dead" Conner breathed out
"no" cried Alexander
"But we put so much into keeping you guys safe," Ben said mournfully.
"Help me save Brandon then"

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