Chapter eight " fire and fate"

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it's time, I've been so nervous to meet the king but it's time. for there's an age where every girl meets the king and is marked into the sea kingdom. in nothing but a white silk dress with silver lining and slippers. I'm escorted to the king. outside the room where the past woman warriors and king are. Are glass walls looking out to the sea?
It's time to go in as I walk in. The guards close the door behind me. locking me in a room of marble. There's an altar in the middle of the room with red dye in it.
" Hello Natasha," the king said, startling me.
" Hello your majesty"
" oh don't be so formal call me Rowan"
" yes, you maj.. Rowan"
"Where are the sisters?"
" they're not coming"
" why" I asked being led toward the altar
"They're busy"
" oh okay" but I saw a glint of a sword next to the altar and a dagger on the king's belt.
" Did you know girls are a great source of power? They have so much life and strength. In them, that's why you have to take it and use it. For no woman can truly master their powers." he gestured to the altar, what I thought was dye was blood. At my realization, he swung the sword at me. cutting my shoulder.
" there was never any sisterhood, just a death trap," I said running to the altar grabbing the dagger and running. I hit the floor with a thunk. hitting my jaw on the marble floor. Rowan grabbed my arm and slammed me against the altar. the marble slicing my back and the silk of the dress tearing. I lifted my arm and brought the dagger down in an ark straight at the king's heart.
"Nah" he screamed and I tore it out and brought him to the ground.
" don't do this you'll regret it" he begged
"Will I? You killed girls and now I'll kill you" I leaned in and whispered " Rowan, king of queens, king of air." Then I stabbed again and again ten times. then stood up blood splatting my white dress. I felt pain in my wrist. There was a circle with thorns around it burned on my wrist. I opened the door feeling nothing, weird. Normally I was cold. Then I doubled over in pain as a white blast went around me. there was rumbling and screaming. I looked out the window. The kingdom was in the air like the castles and the village was going towards the clouds. it stayed there just above the clouds. Another blast came from me and it was like watching everyone take a breath for the first time. They were gliding in the air. some were even flying. it's like we all knew something like memories returning. I wasn't Natasha, I was Iris daughter of Rowan. meant to kill Rowan, ascend to the throne, and join the ranks of the gods. to join and fight amongst the children of the prophecy, children of angels, demons, monsters, and heroes. which shall I be? —————————————————————————
icicle/ frost
" Everyone, the prophecy has been activated and the one of us who is picked will be sacrificed" My mother, the queen announced. Later on in the palace me and frost had a pain above our hearts and a mark of a circle surrounded by thorns was tattooed on us. The prophecy.
" Frost it's the mark we've been chosen"
" no it can't be, we can't die" he cried
" you have to kill her"
" you have to kill our mother the queen so you can take the throne"
" I can't rule"
" I know but, once you become king you can change the laws to make me queen and step down."
" Icicle you talking about murder"
" Well, that happens all the time in monarchies murder, assassination. whatever it takes to live"
" I won't kill her"
" you'll have to do it eventually to become king it's the law" "But that's different"
"How? I know someone who has poison. I can slip it into her whine without her noticing. she'll feel no pain"
" fine"
Two hours later I had a vial of poison in my hand and wine. I mixed them and gave them to the queen. She took a sip. It'll be her last. Then she fell, Frost checked her pulse. dead good I grabbed her crown.
" Yeah"
" Let's go announce the queen's departure," I said grinning. but my celebration was cut short because an explosion rocked the kingdom of ice. I grabbed my brother's wrist and ran out the doors. onto the balcony and I saw as much as I needed. The village huts were on fire. There was a spider web of cracks on the walls and floors of the palace. I ran, again, but this time towards the battle. Guards following us wielding swords and shields and bows tipped with ice.
"This is the fire kingdoms doing" Icicle hissed
"No it's not, look, the soldiers are wearing black armor and wielding all sorts of weapons. The fire kingdom only uses swords, arrows, shields, and knives and theirs are normally made of gold. These are made of iron." Frost stated
"so who are they"
"I don't know"
"let's go protect our people"
"Let's go," I said, launching myself into battle. cutting men and women down alike. The rush of battle stopped when I heard a scream, the scream of a child. I ran towards the noise and found a soldier with a sword and a girl in her teens standing next to him. Imitating the screams of a child like a parrot. It's a Singer, they can make whatever they sing happen. They are different from a Mocking Bird or also referred to as Parrots because they can copy any voice they have heard. whereas a Puppeteer can control people and a Chameleon can change their color while a Mirror can shapeshift. The singers and other people who can manipulate people, voice, sound, and shape are all categorized as shifters but they're all employed as assassins and spies. That means if their partner is here too. Wait a child's scream a child will die for that's what she sang. The moment that crossed my mind a child appeared in the arms of the man with a sword.
"freeze or I'll freeze you" Icicle declared with fake confidence
"You won't," said a voice over my shoulder probably a Puppeteer
"Don't move," the voice said again as my body went still. definitely a Puppeteer
"You make one more move against my sister and I'll cut your boss ear to ear," Frost said, a dagger to the man's neck.
" Snow boy, I don't think you have the guts for murder," the man said and he was right.
"I think I do," he said, causing frostbite to spread everywhere on the man's body, killing him instantly. Then he turned to the singer girl and said: "Run". The girl ran and so did the boy behind me. But then another explosion went up and the palace of ice crumbled. Everyone fled because next would come an avalanche. ————————————————————————Ash/Ember/Flame
The siren went off,  but it never goes off. because that's the siren for war. I grabbed Flame's hand and ran.
"what about Ash" she screams
"She's grabbing her crossbow, duck," I said as an ax sunk into the wood banister. The man in black armor screamed as an arrow sunk into his chest, Ash.
"don't mess with my sisters," she said
more men in black armor came with swords and shields. but they're not from any kingdom I remember. I blasted the window open and jumped out with Ash and Flame following. We cut down the guards in the city that had black armor. I shot a blast of heaven fire at one. It didn't even hurt him, which shouldn't be possible. Heaven fire is the hottest of all fire. Ash was commanding the guards that were alive into battle positions. I as queen was at the front line. no armor no weapon, we're doomed. So we fled leaving the city in ash. with nothing but a burning pain in our wrists and tattoos of thorns. —————————————————————————
As a healer, I don't fight. so healers made their kingdom a kingdom of peace. We share the lands with Chameleons, Puppeteers, Mockingbirds, Singers, and Mirrors. all people with the ability to change, sound, shape, and future. We also share the lands with Seers people with the ability to see the future. People who can make portals are also on our land. our land is a land of people with useless abilities or that's what I thought. "Ma'am Loren says an army of soldiers is coming our way," says Nathanial a Chameleon
"tell them to get everyone out now" Elane replies
"they foreseen that you would say that they said we can't leave, we're the only ones that can stop them."
"Fine, get everyone ready, it's time to make history," I said it's time for a kingdom of peace to be one of war. I felt a pain in my wrist but I couldn't fix it. I looked down and it was a tattoo of thorns in a circle. As I walk towards the gates seven other people have the same tattoo. We're all handed weapons, mine is a sickle which is a long pole with a curved blade at the end. The gates opened inviting the battle in. Through the gates, we could see soldiers wearing black armor coming our way not from any kingdom I'm familiar with. Maybe the Nephilim, but these don't have angle marks carved into their skin.
"There are 70 soldiers in their rank," said Loren, they also had the tattoo I did.
"The Chameleons are hiding as are the Mirrors. The Singers and Mockingbirds are in the trees, while the Puppeteers are in the hospital," said Nathanial. The only ones out in the courtyard are people with tattoos. Nathanial a Chameleon, Loren a Seer, Bunny a Portaler, Justin a Puppeteer, Natalie a Singer, James a Mirror, Lilith a Mockingbird, and I a Healer. The soldiers wearing black are now coming through the gates.
"Leave, or else," Loren tells them
"What are you going to do little Seer?" one of the men said.
"kill you"Lilith states
the men laugh.
" no animals only man" Natalie sings
the horses disappear
the men are scared
the men charge
"Attack" James screams shifting into a dragon
one of the men attacks Loren, their able to fend him off because they see every move he makes. Lilith sings such a loud note that the concrete breaks and the men around her fly back. Nathanial disappears and randomly attacks soldiers with his knife. Justin throws playing cards at the soldiers trapping their weapons. Then he throws one at a guard trapping him in just for him to be released. so Justin can control him. Bunny runs through a portal to tell everyone to run towards the woods and then go find the Nephilim. Nephilim are part angel, part human. Different from Lanerays meaning burning sun in fairy. Lanerays are Archangel part human but they have very little humanity whereas Angels have none at all. A soldier charged at me. I made a downward arch with the scythe cutting major arteries. Then I just started cutting any soldier who came at me. I guess knowing human anatomy helps. we won at least that's what we thought until they brought themselves back to life. Great, that's when a boy comes out of the woods covered in tattoos. of animals,
"Yalay, Raza, Shaheir, Luna, Signa" he shouts as animals come out of his tattoo. A wolf, tiger, viper, monkey, and a white lion. they attack the guards, no they went into their bodies, and burn them from within.
"Who are you" I said
Turns out that even though Fairy connects to our world it takes forever to get there. we're at the entrance to Fairy which turns out to be a tree stump. We went in and nothing could prepare me for Fairy. their waterfalls, gold, diamonds,
glass there's neon grass. there are butterflies but there's something weird they're not flying like I thought they have needles in their wings. The waterfall has skeletons in it and the grass has blood on it. That's when a sword slammed into my skull and a fairy with red hair, silver eyes, and tan skin was standing over me pointing a sword at my chest.
"Hi Conner," said the fairy woman with a smile
"Who are you," I asked
"My name is Thiorn I'm a hunter"
"cool well Thiorn your in my way," I said and blasted her away from me.
"the princess was right you are special"
"Who the hell is the princess"
" me," said Isabelle, Isabelle flicked her wrist and the whip wrapped around Conner's wrist.
"Well you seem to know my name, do you know my ability?" Conner replied, sending a bolt of lightning at her head.
" You have never fought a fairy, have you." Wrapping vines around my arms. I set the vines on fire and then threw a knife at her shoulder. She pulled it out and it was covered in blood. It seemed almost too bright. I didn't have time to think about it because she was already running at me. I kicked her in the ribs. But she kicked my throat and then dropped-kicked me. I fell on my back right as she went to strike me with her sword. I puffed into smoke and appeared behind her. Stabbing her neck I meant to paralyze her but. Her dress rippled and the gold jewelry covered her neck.
"Not so fast" she hissed and smacked me. It felt like being hit by a wrecking ball. I flew across the room and hit the wall. She was kneeling in front of me, her nails sharp as knives as she pressed them into my jugular. Drawing the slightest amount of blood.
"Don't mess with a princess or a woman, we have the tendency to accidentally kill men before interrogating them." She laughed, a wicked laugh.
"Don't mess with a drag queen, we bite," I answered by spitting venom at her.
" ahhh" she screamed as the venom melted her pretty face.
"You'll pay for that, and if not you everyone you love"
"Go ahead queeny, let the games begin" and I disappeared in smoke.

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