Part four

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I woke up and something was really off. That's when my dad ran into the room.
"Wake up we have to go"
"Look outside" I walked over to the window and opened the blue curtains. Outside was like hell the sky had storm clouds and there were rifts opening in the sky. Police cars were driving through the streets and so was the military. Sirens started going off; they sounded like a cry for help. I turned dad on the phone. My Abuelita was praying. I pushed past them and ran into the closet. I changed into leather pants and a black shirt and a cape and boots. My dad rushed down the stairs. He was laying weapons on the table. My abuelita was praying while holding a cross. I put on a weapon belt that carried knives and swords and bows and arrows and whips. That's when there was pounding on the door. In came people in black armor. I didn't waste one moment. I threw knives at the throats and ran out the door. A black slimy winged creature flew towards me. Then it blew into flames and standing in front of me was a woman in a red dress. People ran out of their houses onto the streets with guns and kitchen knives and sticks. Whacking at the black armored people.

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